Jamilton (smut) pt1

20 0 13

Homophobic slurs 

                   Hamilton pov

It was an average Friday night at kings college, and by that I mean fuckin' Jefferson is throwing another party. Not that I'm complaining that much, any excuse to drink is good enough as any, but there's just one small problem. James Madison is coming.

Now I have nothing against James, he's honest a good friend, but the thing is at almost every party that him and Jefferson are at Madison ends up flirting with him after a few drinks. I don't know why this makes me so upset but seeing James touch and flirt with T-Jeffreson just makes my blood boil.

I glance back at my roommate as he pulls out all of the beer, wine, and vadka out from the cabinet before Turing to me with a disappointed look. "Hamilton what the fuck why is the vodka almost gone!? We bought this less than a month ago!?"

I just shrug "what can I say, after 27 hours of working and studying I gotta have something to keep me sane." This earns a sigh from Jefferson as he pulls out all of the food "you're a fucking idiot" he mumbles, not looking back at me untill eveything is ready. " don't get too drunk tonight, I don't want to have to call John over because your ass is sleeping in the tub again"

"shut up Jeffershit" I mumble while heading to my room " let me know when they show up, ima work on the essay mr.washington assigned"  before I could even make it half way there an arm grabs me and holds me back "not gonna happen hamilfuck, I promised Lafayette that I would make you relax all day so you're gonna sit the fuck down.

I grone "this is my way of fucking relaxing now fuck off; go back to cleaning out the closet for you and 'Jimmy' to make out while drunk in" I sneer, my eyes going wide when I realized what I just said. I feel my cheeks heat up a bit and I attempt to change to topic "besides, I have....things to do in my room anyway so I'm gonna"

I wiggle out of his grip, making a b-line for my door before a hand is once again yanking me back and I feel my back hit the wall with a slight 'thud'.  I look up at Jefferson, about to spit some cheap insult at him untill I realize the situation we're in.

His hand are on the wall besides my head, and he's leaning into me, his face close enough to feel his hot breath on my face and smell the minty mouthwash he basically chugs every morning. I can already tell I'm the shade of a tomato and I can hear and feel my heart beating out of my chest.

Just when I think it couldn't possibly get worse he speaks right next to my year, in a low, gravely tone, his virginia accent making my gay self panic even more. "Listen Hamilfuck I don't know what the fuck you ment by what you said about Jimmy, or why you even care, but I am not going to be lectured in French because you won't take a damm break. Now you're gonna sit your gremlin ass down and watch a fuckin' movie or someshit until the party, got it darlin'."

I can't even respond, my brain going completely black as I just stare into his eyes, my face  completely flushed with a bright red.

Just when a response come to mind we hear the door opens, and before we could get out of this position we hear the click of a camera and an all too familiar laugh "mes amis, garde-le pour quand on est trop saouls pour prendre des photos" (my friends save it for when we're too drunk to take pictures)

Jeffreson looks down at me one last time, a small smirk tugging at his lips and his eyes holding an emotion I couldn't read; without a word he quickly goes to great Lafayette, Leaving me against the wall confused as hell

"Gil, mon ami, you're early." I hear Jefferson say as he attempts to snach the Frenchmans phone "and that little Sean with Hamilfuck was nothing more then him trying to submerge himself in work again so I had to grab him before he could lock himself in his room for the night." Jefferson explains but Lafayette just smirks at him like he struck gold "sure mon ami"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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