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It is a rare occurrence in its years of existence that for once, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was silent. Cedric Diggory, one of the champions of the Tri-Wizard tournament being held there, arrived back dead in the hands of Harry Potter. It was indeed very rare for Hogwarts to be this solemn, as Cedric was a very popular boy there, a memorial was held in his honor.

Harry himself couldn't cope up with the lost, they had both decided to grab the trophy cup to become the champions of that year's tournament but instead were brought to Little Hangleton graveyard. The memories flowed in as if it were butterbeer flowing within a glass.


"Where are we?" asked Cedric, looking around, wand in hand. "Did anyone tell you the cup was a portkey?"

"Nope," replied Harry, also confused. He had felt a familiar twinge with the place, as if he had seen it before. Suddenly, a figure appeared from somewhere.

"Someone's coming!" said Cedric, raising his wand in position to cry out a hex.

The man approaching was a quite large, wearing tattered clothes, he had a large face with buck teeth that resembled the facial expressions of rat. He immediately recognized him from last year, his father's old friend and traitor, Peter Pettigrew. He was holding some sort of bundle, wrapped in black cloth, it seemed like a grotesque baby-like thing.

"Who are you?" asked Cedric, aiming his wand at Peter Pettigrew with fear in his eyes.

He suddenly heard a raspy low voice cry. "KILL THE SPARE!"

"Avada Kadavra!" cried Pettigrew, aiming his wand at Cedric and a green burst of light hit Cedric square on the chest and brought him down on the ground, dead, his eyes still wide open looking up at the night sky.

Harry couldn't help but cry of what had happened before his eyes. Pettigrew using his own hand, dropped a few more materials, including his blood and before his eyes, Voldemort appeared in a black robe. He remembered the first ever duel Voldemort and he had as soon as he had been resurrected and began to talk to his death eaters.

"Avada Kadavra!" cried Voldemort, a green light burst from the tip of his ghost white wand.

"Expelliarmus!" cried Harry, a red light bursting from his brown wand. The two spells colliding into a golden thread, gold connecting the two spells together in Priori Incantatem. Soon, ghostly apparations appeared out of Voldemort's wand and he recognized most of them- his mother and father, Cedric, Bertha Jorkins, and an old man who Harry saw in his dream.

After a few minutes, his mother and father cried. "Let go Harry! LET GO!" he nodded and disconnected the Priori Incantatem between the two wands.

"Harry, take my body back to my father," ordered Cedric, Harry nodded and got hold of Cedric's body before crying out the summoning charm on the cup and they were back in Hogwarts.


No one believed him, he was seen as a traitor, Fudge looked at him with disdain and alarm when the story reached out of Voldemort's return. Many of the Hogwarts students believed Harry killed Cedric to win the tournament and betrayed Harry, all glares around the room during the memorial.

As soon as the memorial ended, he immediately left the great hall and decided to go and clear his head in a quiet area.

"Just gonna go and clear my head 'mione" replied Harry with a strained smile before he exited and headed for the black lake.

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