My broken Heart

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 Hey Guys so I want to explain my story before I get onto the quotes. There really isn't a lot of people who are going to read my story so I guess I'll just be talking to myself. 

It all started in 5th grade and I was really excited for the first day of school because..who isn't. Of course I still had nerves but i was excited too. So when I got there I met my Bff who is still currently my Bff and it was great of course we had some fights and tears but that happens. 

People started coming into the classroom and that's when I saw him. He had dark brown hair - almost black and tan skin. He was shy and sweet and adorable. Of course I kept staring at him smh but I couldn't help myself. 

He started to suspect something so I stopped after a few days and lost feeling for him just a bit after I realized he was judging me with the help of his friends. 

Of course a Queen needed butlers so I made him one and a couple other kids that stayed loyal and others that didn't. A cringy joke I made at 10: 'Butt-ler" lol. It was meant for him of course. I picked on him a lot and yeah.

Fast forward.>>>>. I was playing Gaga Ball at recess during all this time and I needed a change. I decided to go play tag with my Bff and he just happened to also play tag with them. A few other kids played tag that I made great friends with. 

That's when I started to fall hard. I would still make fun of him. He had this long, long hair but not like a girl. I had a couple jokes for him and about him hehe.

1. You look like you have a mop on your head.

2. You look like your Prodigy character(comment if you know what that is)

Anyways that went on and on and on. I got to the point where I told my Best friends about my crush and they were all like..well you know. 

Anyways, my friends had asked one of my crush's friends if he like me and they said yes. I didn't believe him and asked him how he knew and he said that my crush had told him on the bus. 

So after a couple days, my two Bff's, B and S,  At lunch had told my crush, A, that I liked him. He told them that he liked me back. I wasn't there at the time. I was eating outside as a reward for doing good in class. 

After I had found out he ignored me. I wanted to talk but boys *eye roll*... they act so tough. Eventually I had gotten to the point where I wanted more than just a "hey, we like each other...So what...?" I wanted us to be together. So S had told A and he asked me but I acted like I couldn't hear him just to say it again. He didn't sadly but we were technically together. Sorta. Then a couple days later he said he wasn't allowed to date until like high school. So that's how our 5th grade year went. I fell so hard though. 

Over the summer I listened to Taylor Swift's Reputation album and cried because I missed him so much and was scared that he would lose feeling.

So I went back to school for 6th grade and turns out he didn't like me:(

So please guys feel free to comment your stories Thanks!


Guys I'm kidding! That ain't the end. 

So another reason I was scared but because he might not be there. I had just gotten a phone over the summer and didn't know anyone who had his # so I didn't know if he had moved or something. 

He didn't thank God. So we played tag and this year it was his turn to ask me for a relationship. I said yes at first but then said we should wait until 7th grade and the same day he said that his parents still wouldn't let him.

i finally got his number from my other really good friend N. It was all so funny until he said that he didn't like me anymore. My heart shattered. I cried but I'm good at hiding my emotions so I said that I didn't like him either. The day he told me also happened to be the day of the Father/Daughter dance. I went with S's Dad and her and had a sleepover with B. We called A at our sleepover and talked as if nothing happened. 

I kept trying to bribe him to tell me who his new crush was but he kept saying different name. I was finally able to get an accurate clue from him. It was "Her name ends in an A and is in your class". I was trying and trying to guess until I had started to assume he was Gay. He never did tell me but that's ok because I figure it out myself. I was the only girl in my class that I had left out and my name ends in A. 

I was making sure not to get my hopes up but also happy. Then the truth came out. He only said that because he thought that I liked someone else so he just said that he liked someone else. I didn't. 

So the relationship went well and got even better during COVID-19. We even started planning our future together. He promised he would never leave ever. I don't really feel like talking about it all. We could only text and call cuz I can't drive. So we technically started dating.

Maybe one day i'll talk about the rest when it stops hurting but basically one day out of nowhere he told me he didn't love anymore and that he wanted to move on and that he was tired of being anxious whatever that meant. 

I was really hurt and found out he liked B's friend, I. 


NOWWWW we're done. Please comment your stories and know that you're not alone. It doesn't even have to be about relationship wise just anything that's really hard for you to talk about. It's not good to hold everything in despite what some people thing. Sometimes you have to be grieve and be sad in order too feel better. And guys, there are going to be some really sad songs. Listen to this one just for a happy sounding song that a lot of people can relate to.

True Hearts Can be Broken- QuotesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora