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This one is so moving because it says that no matter how many times you break my heart I will still love you. 

You broke my heart, but I still love you with all the pieces.

I would give anything just to have him back. Even what's left of my heart. Most of it he stole...well sorta. I let him. 


My questions at 11:52-

1. Was I not Kind enough

2. Was I too serious

3. Was I too silly

4. Was I moving too fast

5. Did I make you feel underappreciated

6. Were you mad I wasn't coming to school the 1st semester

7. What is love now

8. What should I do with your stuff

9. Why did you break your promises

10. Should I still love you

11. Was it my Bff

12. Was I not pretty enough

13. Why did you pick her

14. Why did I trust you

15. Did you leave me for her

16. Was it my living arrangement

17. Have you been lying to me this whole time

18. Were you trying to play me

19. Did you ever even love me

20. Was I not cool enough


Feel free to answer some of the questions for someone else or flip through these questions and see if you can relate to any.

True Hearts Can be Broken- QuotesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant