Quick notice

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It's not much, just little things I've written that made me laugh. A lot of these are actually stuff I've submitted to my teacher, she hasn't found out yet. Small comments in white text, that make you think twice about what you just read. Also bold is an Author's Note. Italics is me elaborating on the word. The original piece of writing. I always screenshot that fucker. It will be included in the chapter as an above image. So if you want to screenshot that bitch, go right ahead. I put it there for a reason. That reason being if you want to screenshot it, you can. There will be stories in the form of A/N's, I will tell you that. You people actually have a say in some of the things I will put in books. Comments are always welcome.

Another thing, my humor is pretty dark at times. So there will probably be some dark humor at some point. One time at school some kid said not to do something, to which my friend countered with, "Stop, you're giving her ideas now". FYI the kid jokingly told me not to stab anyone, whether it be a scenario in my head or IRL.

Also, should I post screenshots of things I've found in the comments of other stories? I do that a lot. I'll just be looking through the comments, and I find something that made me laugh. So I screenshot it. Should I?



Little things I've writtenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora