The Carnival

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When Maki gets to the gates of the cottage, Amara is waiting.
"Took you long enough," She ridicules, rolling her eyes.
"I apologize," Maki bows, "I should've been quicker cleaning the mess I caused."
Amara takes her handkerchief and cleans the dried blood off of Maki's forehead.
"You need to take care of your appearance, or how will you get a husband."
Maki stares at her quizzically.
"I thought I was supposed to be your caretaker till the world ends? Like Mother promised when we were kids."
Children's laughter rang through the sisters' ears as Maki reminisced.
"We're not always going to be together, Makira."
Maki looked at her shoes, discouraged.
"Come, let us leave," Amara said, extending her arm for her sister to grab.

The village square was buzzing with excitement as a giant new tent appeared.
"Hey, what's going on..."
"Come one! Come all!"
Makira's sentence was cut off as a large masked man shouted.
"Welcome to our little circus!" The masked man gestures as the tent flaps fly open.
Performer after performer shows off their strange and many talents as they draw the crowd inside.
"How did they get through the barrier?" Maki mutters.
"Maki! We need to go!"
Maki turns to her sister.
The excitement on her face makes the small girl blush.
"I don't trust them," She states.
Amara rolls her eyes.
" Well, I'm going in,"
Amara grabs her coin purse from Maki and runs to get a ticket.

"Misery will befall." A voice whispered.
"Welcome to my freak show!" The booming voice of the Ringmaster rang through the tent.
"Huh?" Maki turned.
Maki warily walked to the entrance.
"Do you wish to purchase a ticket?" The masked attendant asked.
"Oh... um," Maki felt around her pockets and found nothing.
"I'm sorry you're not allowed in if you can't purchase a ticket."
The ticket booth slammed closed.

"Psst! Hey!"
Makira turned. That voice again. A masked attendant was becoming her over.
"Hey! Wait!"
Maki ran over as fast as she could but the girl was nowhere to be found.
There was a huge rip in the side of the tent. Just big enough for a person to get through.
Maki slipped through and found herself under the bleachers.

"Now I present my monsters!"
The crowd cheered.
The ring burst to life as the masked performers presented their many talents. But, it seemed off to Maki.
"Is this planned?" She pondered aloud as the crowd's yells rung in her ears. "It looks mechanical..."
She crept below the wooden bleachers, avoiding attendants and looking for her sister. A low ringing wafted over the tent.

"I need a volunteer for our last performance!" The Ringmaster yelled.
The crowd rose to their feet as they all shouted over each other, rivaling for the volunteer spot. Makira yelped, covering her ears as the ringing got louder. A performer's head jerked towards Maki's sound.
Maki's eyes widened.
"How could they hear that?"
They walked slowly over, every step making Maki more anxious.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Maki's heart was in her throat.
The performer's head whipped around the back of the bleachers, only to find...

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