The Aftermath

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A firecracker exploded showering a crowd in a white powder.
The crowd coughed and choked as the powder blanketed them.
In a few minutes, it devolved into utter chaos. People were running out of the tent trampling some people in the process.

Makira looked around wildly, trying to find her sister. Maki's face turned into one of panic as she found Amara on the ground.
"Let go of me!" Maki shrieks as she rips her arm out of the Ringmaster's grasp.
The masked man held on tight.
With a frightful screech, the tiny girl drove the tiny blade into the monster's arm.
He grimaced at the pain and dropped her.
"Amara!" Maki pushed past the panicking individuals.
"Are you okay?" Maki pulled the trampled girl onto her feet.
"They hurt me!" Amara sobbed as tears poured down her heavenly face.
"Let's go home."

Maki grabbed her hand and didn't stop running until they got home.
"Go clean up, and I'll go wash your clothes."

Makira grabbed Amara's dirty clothes and laid out fresh ones.
"Maki! Maki?" Amara called from the other room.
Maki stopped folding her sister's cleaned clothes.
"Yes, sister?" Maki poked her head into Amara's room.
Amara was grabbing onto her bed frame.
"I don't... I don't feel... so good." Amara's eyes rolled back in her head as she hit the floor.
Hours pass.

"It's worse than I thought." The doctor said after checking Amara.
"How long until you can cure her?" Father asks.
"We can't. I haven't seen these symptoms in previous patients. The only cure is the Zaveth Nal." He chuckles. "The Cure of the Elementals sadly doesn't exist. Most of the town has come down with this."

Maki's eyes widened.
"If I could make it out of the barrier, I could find the Zaveth Nal, and help Amara..." Maki looked at her sister, fragile and sickly. "I need to do this. For her."

She shot through the hallways, she stopped only to fill a pack with things she thought she needed. Books of the outside and a blood-crusted blade that saved her earlier. She dashed to the kitchen to fill it with food for her god-knows-how-long journey.
Unfortunately for her, Mother caught her.

"What are you doing!" She shrieked.
Maki opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She just closed the pack and bolted out the door.

"Come back! Thief!"

Makira hurried past homes and businesses, past the village center, and the green vast fields.
Until she reached...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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