In Sane Coco Bandicoot x Male Reader - When I first Found You.

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August 30th, 1996.

*The day was Sunny and the breeze of air passes though the sand and the jungle trees. The birds in the forests are chirping. The vibrant happy energies of the animals running around. It was the beginning of something special.*

*Coco currently being at the age 18, steps out of her house to walk to the beach. Her house is beautifully built as its surrounded by decorative little lights and in jungle area.*

Coco: Bro. I'm going out for a walk! It's looking nice out today. No? Alright I'll be back!

*She walks along the beaches of its shore.*

Coco: *She takes a deep breath.. and exhales*. One day...I'll find him...I know hes out there...Awaiting for me.

*She hears faint crying in the far distance. And quickly runs to investigate the scene.*

Coco: What this beautiful baby doing here? Aw you are just so cute! *She picks the baby up and kisses you on the cheek*

Coco: I love the color of you're eyes and skin. You belong to me now. *She taps the baby on the nose and the baby starts giggling.*

Coco: Oh you like that *She laughes*

*In the casket there was found to be 5 bottles of milk, 3 diapers, and a note that reads, "I just cant do it anymore. It's to unsafe for this child be in the care of a monster of who I was living with.*

Coco: "Monster?"

*Please. Whoever is willing to accept this responsibly, please take great good care of him. He needs you. Whoever. Be very sure that you keep him being happy. Protect him, knowledge him with what we needs and for what he wants. Love him for I cannot anymore as I am passed away. Thank you so very much who ever and may God bless the both of you.*

Coco: ...I will! *As she looks at the baby* . He will most gently be in my care.

*The baby being quiet, reaches its hand and presses on you're nose*

Coco: Hey! Copying me are you? I'm gonna have to eat you up!.

*The baby laughs*

Coco: Well you definitely need a diaper change love. You're going to be staying with "me" for quite a long time. Forever! *She laughs dramtically and sighs* But oh no worries, you will be forever in my care.

*Coco goes back to her house with the baby and Introduces the baby to her family. They were all joyed of the news and greatly supported Coco as well.*




August 30th, 1996.

Diary Chapter 1 - Love At First Sight

I remember having this Lucid dream of me in a field frolic I'd purple Rose's. I was walking a long with a handsome man. We were holding hands. It was like I had the perfect dream I had always wanted.

I've been the outsider within the social interactions of school. I wont get Into much detail of my situation but, it's the last year and I have big plans of moving possibly. (Maybe even with little one with me)

In Sane Coco x Male Reader - Diaries Of My Obession Of YouWhere stories live. Discover now