|Judges and participants - YA|

645 26 8

So, here we go with the judges and their participants list. Be sure to follow your judge or else they won't judge your entry. Good luck!

Judge - Cabonel

◼️How I feel for my Ex - akhiro2323
◼️The makeover - haryohbami
◼️The happiest girl in the world - winnie_loves_honey
◼️The Queen's weakness - iKnow_imAwesome
◼️Winterville High - alina_ashh
◼️ Falling for the gay boy - WhiteDevil189


Judge - marsaumell

◼️ Sunshine - FCCleary
◼️ Complexity - foxy1234teen
◼️ Badass is a mask - nivuuuu
◼️ Deceptive - totallyvirago
◼️ Uncover my veil of shame - muslimahhreads
◼️ Evie - blooddeathandroses


Judge - Ani_ebony

️◼️ Ruined life - Geminlol
◼️ Sophie Lyon - Ukaohans
◼️ The Child's father - grace_chanbee
◼️ The stuttering girl - SamEl145
◼️ Hannah - ThePotatoBrownie
◼️ Can I find love again? - AbigailMoreno870


Judge - Khushboo152007

◼️ An imperfectly perfect love story - IamaProudIndianGirl
◼️ The secret ingredient is love - thejunebird45
◼️ His broken butterfly - Ni_sha_sha
◼️ Bitter-sweet - _shere03
◼️ Hilltop house - mckennalangford_
◼️ Underneath it all (completed) - charitytaala


Judge - thepolarphantom

◼️ The way it should be - fakaihazaheed
◼️ Come at me b**** - thisbitchstupid
◼️ Blood on the Boardwalk - dcompbooks
◼️ The wildcards : Book 1 - The_Wildcards
◼️ Book 1 : Vines - joyouscharisma
◼️ Precious - Sophie_The_Bookworm7
◼️ Stuck between two boys - Praizey123


Judging criteria (for judges)

💠 Focus on the writing style, grammar, wording and phrasing, etc. A score on the scale of zero to ten are given considering this.
💠 Look into the plot of the story. Whether it is fascinating, drawing the reader, and promises an unexpected climax just from the beginning (some stories keep you hooked in) which counts for another scale of zero to ten.
💠 Do not look into the reads, votes or comments rather into the quality of the story.
💠 See if the title suits the story and the genre and is worth reading on a scale of zero to five.
💠 This in total gives a mark of 25 in all. Be honest but not too brutal but critical as well.
💠 Scores should be submitted to me via personal message on or before November 12 2020 (for YA).

Good luck everybody! Be sure to follow your judges. If anybody has been misplaced into the wrong genre, book title or anything, please comment at the earliest.

Oh, final results will be declared on December 3 2020. Thank you!

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