|Judges and participants - Sci-Fi|

206 11 1

So here are the list of participants and judges. Make sure you follow your judge or your entry is invalid. The judges will have the right to not judge whoever didn't follow the above rule.


Judge - Pokeshipper090

🏮 School of the crown assassins - ThePsychoQueen_
🏮 Dodonas - NorthernTurtle
🏮 Lightning seeker - FrennzyChaos
🏮 Ripples - Orizone


Judge - Plagg_cheese_king

🏮 Rhivera - Sanch250
🏮 The mute and the mentor - TreborKai
🏮 Allodynia - Aarya2103
🏮 Stranger things - aislinghagan123


Judge - GregCee

🏮 Ensemble - SEKTORV
🏮 Live against your life - queenieexxx
🏮 The project 2577 - TheVilliriated936

Darker secrets - weirdogalxx


Judging criteria (for judges)

💠 Focus on the writing style, grammar, wording and phrasing, etc. A score on the scale of zero to ten are given considering this.
💠 Look into the plot of the story. Whether it is fascinating, drawing the reader, and promises an unexpected climax just from the beginning (some stories keep you hooked in) which counts for another scale of zero to ten.
💠 Do not look into the reads, votes or comments rather into the quality of the story.
💠 See if the title suits the story and the genre and is worth reading on a scale of zero to five.
💠 This in total gives a mark of 25 in all. Be honest but not too brutal but critical as well.

💠 Scores should be submitted to me via personal message on or before December 02 2020 (for Sci-Fi).

Good luck everybody! Be sure to follow your judges. If anybody has been misplaced into the wrong genre, book title or anything, please comment at the earliest.

Oh, final results will be declared on December 03 2020. Thank you!

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