Chapter 1

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"Mommy, Daddy look look!!!", little me shouted. Everything was super blurry. "My, what do you have there sweetie?",a sweet and melodious voice asked me.

"Nana and I baked Mommy!!!", Little me shouted again. " Wow actually taste good! Monkey come here and taste this!"the voice said again. "Ugh please don't tell me you tried to cook again my koala bear" a new masculine and gruff voice whined. " No silly! Our little kitten made this with Nana", the melodious voice quipped.

"Daddy, Daddy taste it!!!", Little me shouted... someone should shut me up already! "Little made this mostly by herself... she's actually talented in cooking unlike you two can't cook to save your own sappy lives!", a weaker and much frail voice said.. my guess is that that's Nana.
Suddenly everything goes blank...

"C'mon little one...we won't hurt you.", a new masculine voice that I definitely remember called out to me.. " Yes little flower, wanna go home with us? Miss Sally says you're quite shy but very sweet.", another voice that I miss so much persuaded.

"Will I get lots of books and sweets?", My 6 year old self said innocently. " Yes sweetie!" the masculine voice laughed while talking. "Really?!", I exclaimed suddenly. "WAKE UP THIS INSTANT QUINCY!!" ,a loud high pitched voice shouted...wait a minute, that did not happen the day I was getting adopted..

"Arrrrgggghh!!!", I grumbled and scrambled out of bed but of course the lovely floor missed me so much that I had to trip and fall. Please note the sarcasm!

I quickly did my usual morning routines and went downstairs to cook and clean before going to school. "Where were you b*tch?! I want my breakfast immediately!!", Stephanie bursted at me.  

Ohh you just wait you fake chicken butt, I said on the inside. I know what you're thinking, why not tell them that to her face? Well I wish I could but then that ruin my plan. I quickly went to kitchen and started with breakfast.

I love love love cooking. It helps me to relax. Once I was done the rotten cabbage ( my step mother, Harriet) , sour broccoli ( my step sister, Clarice), rotten eggs (Claire, my step sister)and rotten stinky cheese (Stephanie, my oldest step sister) were down and seated at the dinning table. 

At least I don't have to go call their lazy butt to come down for breakfast, I said to myself and served them.

While they eat I go clean their rooms. It's spoooooo dirty in there as always but I know it's intentional. After I'm done I go downstairs to see that the girls are gone.

"Where are the girls? They usually leave around 8:00", I ask Harriet. "Where they're gone is none of your business but if you must know, My daughters are going to Preston High too! You thought I was going to let you go to that prestigious institution and leave my girls behind?! NEVER!",she so graciously informed me.

I guess you're wondering what's going on right???... "Well no kidding Sherlock!", my conscience snapped at me. By the way I named her devil because she's evil and wicked and mean to me hmph!! "You're deviating stupid !"

Oh right! Haha sorry guys...So my name as you've gathered is Quincy. I'm a girl obviously an-"oh for God's sake! Will you stop interrupting me??! As I was saying, I'm a girl and I'm 17. I'm adopted but my adopted mom and dad are dead. Mom died a year after my adoption and two years later dad married Harriet. I never really liked her but dad said he loved her..who am I to judge?

Besides I would do anything for him. He died in a car crash when I was 12 years old leaving me with Harriet and her daughters. Stephanie is the meanest and the oldest by a year. The twins are also older than me by a few months.

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