Chapter 5 - Hello Beautiful

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June, 2nd, 2011


-Nick where are you ? Ask Joe on the phone.

- I'm at Eleanor place, I answer him.

- Can I come over ?

- Yes, why did you even ask, reply Eleanor to him, she heard because I put him on speaker.

It's been a couple months since we hang out together, I used to come at her house after my writing session. Sometimes Joe came with us or sometimes they hang out without me. Eleanor is still with her boyfriend and god know how hard sometimes it is because we have this chemistry and this ambiguity. I'm glad to have her by my sides though she is a good friend that I can rely on, she's also supportive. A bunch of times I came over on nerve after meeting with the boys, she always had the good words. Anyways I still didn't talk to my brothers about that and I need to do it now or never.

- El ? she turned face to me.

- tell me ?

- I'm gonna talk to the boys during our next meeting..

- I think that effectively it's the best things to do .. but do it when you feel ready ..

- I hide it since so long now.. she doesn't say anything and came toward me and hug me.

I knew that she wasn't feeling really happy about that and that she hate her position, because she considers Joe as a real friends and she doesn't want to lie or hide something that important to him. I'm feeling bad for her because I knew that when Joe will know that she knew, he's going to reject her and I don't want them to fight and especially lately since Eleanor hang out less and less with Molly. I don't want her to be alone.

I was about to say something but someone knock on the door, it was certainly my big brother. Eleanor went to the door and he literally jump on her arms, seeing this makes me weak ..

- hey love, said this last one

- Hey you .., Eleanor said back.

- You will never believe with who I was ? He smirked.

- GO on ! she said curious.

With BRAD ! he said all proud.

Lately Joe started to hang out with El's boyfriend, he told me that at first he used to hate him he mention that if Eleanor loves him so he can. After two weeks Joe came home and told me how cute they were, apparently they were the perfect stereotype of THE couple in their school.

- he invited me to his game !

- And you gonna go ? I ask him.

- I mean why not, If El you're going of course.

- Yes I'm always there , Nick you will join us ?

-No.. I got a lot of stuff to do. She's looking at me puzzled.


I was on the parking lot with all my friends, waiting for Joe. The game start at and Joe wasn't there. I told the girls to go before me, and to keep my usual place plus an extra. By the time they left he arrived.

- Hey El' ! finally.

come on the game is going to start.

Then I take the direction where the places I used to seat on our way, we stopped a bunch of time because people came say hello to me, what's made Joe laugh. He still didn't get the fact that against my will I was popular at my school and I still remember the first time he saw me and Bradley together he laugh hard "I'm feel like i'm in a teenager movie" he said, it's true. Bradley was the captain of the Soccer team and since we've been dating, I still remember the first time we were seen together in High School. They were all shocked because we were known for hating each other, what's funny today because it's going to make nine months that we are together . Once arrived at our places everyone look at Joe, they just all smile and wave at him. We were sit on the first row just behind the players of our team. Joe was on my right and Madison on my left.

The game was about to start when we saw the players enter on the ground, everyone screamed and supported our team:

- GO ON BRADLEY !!! I shout.

I always been a fan of this mood, it was like everyone was reunited, no matter what to support the same team..

The game was over now and of course we won. Barely finish Brad come over the barrier and I go toward him and we kissed. It was our ritual and like all the times everyone scream which make no sense.

-Well played baby ! I say to him.

-Thank you darling ! He say before he kiss me again. I'm gonna take my shower see you in two second.

Then I go back to my friends and we went outside the stadium :

- Damn Eleanor your man is such a beast, say Cody one of Brad's friend.

Thanks for him, I reply.

Talking about this last one he came toward us, his hair all wet.

- Hey ! he say to Joe. You liked it ?

- Hell yeah ! you killing it !

Every time that Brad touched the ball, Joe screamed. It was one the funniest game ever. Watching Joe cheering for my boyfriend was something else.

- Great ! I'm happy. We could played together one time if you got time.

- My agent gonna kill you if you broke me, he replied laughing.

- I'm waiting for them !

Seeing this two getting along warm my heart ,because I knew that Joe used to dislike Brad.

- And I think that your girlfriend is waiting for me, because I put you on on my instagram story if never you bore with her, you don't need to thank me. Joke this idiot.

- You're an idiot, I said toward Joe, before slapping his head.

-Well no thanks I got my girl ! and he grabbed me by my shoulders.

We were now in Brad's car, on the way of his house:

- oh my god I'm so exhausted, He tell before start driving.

- Too bad for you, I wasn't on the mood to sleep. he smirk.

He takes profit of red light and he put his hand behind my hand and push his lips against.

- after second thought I could go for another game !

- Might be a good idea ..

- I love you so much. He say, just before he take back the wheel.

"I could go accros the world and see everything and never be satisfied if I couldn't see those eyes.''- Jonas Brothers 

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