Chapter 17 - Unhinged

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June, 4th, 2017

Months passed and Eleanor start to move on a little bit and goddam seeing her truly laugh makes me happy. I missed her so much. She was still always at school, I usually get back every weekend and we go partying, she started to go to the fashion week and damn I was so proud of her. Of course media tracked her more since her break up, but she doesn't give a fuck they also thought that Eleanor break up to get with me, we usually sent each other the article for a good laugh, they still thought that we date. I didn't get back this weekend because her mom was in New-York with her so.. I decided to stay here this weekend.

My relationships with Nick evolve a bit .. we talk a little bit more, he's my little brother so of course that I care about him, plus we lived under the same roof. Nick turn his pain into songs so he doesn't talk that much about El but every time that I'm back here after a week-end in New-York he always ask if she's ok.. He still loves her like she still loves him. It's sad but this is the situation that he caused.

This morning I get up with a call from my best friend:

- OH MY GOD ! Joe !

- hey princess !

-sorry I wake you up, she say through the face time.

- What's up ?

- You will never believe it ! she say all excited

- go on ! seeing her like that put a big smile on my face.

- Tommy Hilfiger contact my school about me ! she announces me and I jump out of my bed !

- OH MY GOD ! That's so cool !

- I know !

- Promise me you will style my outfits for my shows !

- Yes I promise.. I also promised to your broth.. you know what forget about it..

I give her a little smile through the screen it was the first time that she almost pronounce his existence.

- That's why you dress like a homeless ! I say to change the subject and she laugh.

Oh shut up ! It's comfortable, plus it's fashion .. I mean It's not my fault if you got none taste.

We keep talking a bit before she go back to school ... Since I was awake I went downstairs joining the kitchen, Nick was already there drinking his coffee:

- So what's new for you to be this happy this morning ? He ask.

- Hm nothing you know.. just get up on the right foot today. I lie to him.

- If you say so.

The day passed really fast and it was almost 3 am when I was chilling in front of Games of Thrones when the door opened in a sec.

-What the fuck ? Nicholas ?

- I know that you were talking to El this morning ! You can't lie to me, first because I know you really well so I know when you are lying and second I don't care I just want her to be happy..

- Come to the point, just to remains you it's not your business ! I say to him, he act so weird.

- Why is she walking alone ? this late ?

- What ? I don't what he is talking about.

He came closer and show me his phone.

It was an article with a picture of Eleanor walking alone in the street, she looked exhausted.

> The princess should have been through though things recently she was spotted some minutes ago walking alone.. We all knew that she announces her break up with Nick Jonas couple months ago, we seen her spending times with Joe Jonas recently and did she break up with Joe too ?

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