Chapter 1. My Life Is a Riddle You Can Not Solve

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To say that one's life could be easy, when born into a wealthy and a successful family, which bloodline has been filled with nothing but the purest of pureblood wizards and witches. And that's how it has always been, people expecting something that they want to see, rather than taking in the truth of it all.

Because we people, no matter our blood status, want to dream. We want to live inside our dreams, and forget the cruel reality that is our lives. We expect good, even if there are no good things to be found nowhere near. Right now I could be anywhere my dream world would fly me off to. I could be somewhere warm, where there were no clouds on the sky and where everything would be worry-free. Or I could be somewhere with my mother, who would be able to make me feel warm no matter what. She could make all my worries go away and never come back again. But that was not the reality, that was only something I dreamed of.

And if I were to explain my dreams to my father, he would only force me to be quiet and say: "Quit dreaming, it does no good to you and it's useless, so why bother?!"

At times I would believe his words, but there was always someone else's words that would fight with his. My mother made sure, even after her untimely death, that my father's cruel intentions would never get me down. But today, her final wish seemed like a dream I could never reach. I couldn't feel her presence, and that's what made me actually feel scared for the first time.

Because now I was almost an adult, I was no little kid anymore. The wishful thoughts of the magic around me was not seen in a bright light anymore, not after everything I had seen done by the magic I thought could save me. And yet, after seeing all those deaths and witnessing people going mad by the hands of the ones that owned that magic, could I not resist what would soon be my fate.

My eyes slowly drifted alive from my deep thoughts, and all the sounds appeared around me again. There were quiet whispers of the people sitting around me, and dim lights were surrounding us as we sat by the large dining table at the manors dining hall. When I was a kid, I always wondered where my father so mysteriously disappeared to, always wanting to go with him just so see this exciting place. But now that I knew the truth of it all, I wanted nothing more but to run away. But that wasn't an option for me, not anymore.

"Draco? Draco?" I heard Narcissa Malfoy's faint whispers, as she tried to gain her son's attention. But the pale boy seemed as deep in his own thoughts that I was. But he seemed somewhat more lost than I did, although he too knew that there was no way out from this situation. We had to endure something that would be deemed as our birth-right. It was something our families were a part of, and now our time had come. We would have to choose our sides, and for we had no other choice, we were forced to choose the side that was totally expected from us.


The pale boy's blue eyes slowly lifted up from staring at the table, and they met mine. Even I had surprised myself, as I had called out his name in a whisper. But it had been loud enough for him and his mother to hear. I could feel Mrs. Malfoy's eyes on me, but I knew that her gaze was adoring and full of thankfulness. But Darco's eyes were a different story. He was asking for help, no, he was screaming for help, although he knew that there was nothing I could do to help him. We were in this together, and that was the only comfort I could give to him.

Surprising myself yet again, I moved my hand across the table and gently placed it on top of his hand. He flinched, but I didn't let it get me down, not even after I felt how cold his fingers were. Instead I just kept my eyes on his, and bravely pulled on a gentle smile. Without saying anything, he knew what I meant. All these years, he thought he knew everything about me, when in reality he knew nothing about me. My life was a complete riddle to him at this moment. He only knew the things he wanted, but did not see what I wanted.

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