1 desperate Souls

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Pov Rumpelstiltskin

I woke up from a dream that I've been having about a woman in a yellow dress I can only see her smile in the dream everything else is a blur

After I got up I did what I always do I spin the wheel for sheep's wool then my son ran into the room shouting

"Papa papa they've come for moraine"
The moment I got to grab my walking stick and went outside me and my son saw moraine

Parents crying for Mercy because the soldiers have come once again to take children to fight our enemy the ogres Giants nasty creatures

" crazy can take her she's my baby don't take my baby" so many tears came from her as for she was begging for her daughter's life to be spared

The commander look at the woman with a smile and said "nonsense she is a strong girl she'll make a fine soldier"
Then the girl's father was trying to speak with the Commander

" it's a mistake she's turning 14 only 14"

" orders of the Duke the older Wars have taken their toll this season more troops will turn the tide" my son turn his head towards me " they lured the age again Papa" "I know" my son will be next I cannot let them take the only person I love I have to find a way to protect my son

"Take the girl she'll ride with me"

"No you can't not have her"
The girl's mother grab a knife to kill the commander but then dark hooded figure tooke out his hand into the air and used his magical powers to immobilize the mother and father

"The Dark One says I can take her"

My son look at me with fear in his eyes " my birthday is in 3 days they'll come after me" " we'll find a way we'll find a way" I told my son as I was hugging him

Eventually day turns into night
I had to get my son out of this Village as fast as I can I must protect him at all cost "bae bae come on son waek it up son were going now come on come on" me and my son walk out of the village on the road my son had a strange look on his face as we are walking

"it feels wrong to run away"
"well it's worst to die son I'm not having you taking away to that ogre War" as I was talking to my son we came across a man " alms for the poor alms for the poor" "yes"  "oh thank you oh thank you thank you" he said to me with a smile on his face

"Are you sure  there's no other way"
"Oh I can't lose you bae you're all I've got left son you don't understand what war is like what they do to you"
We heard horses galloping towards us
This is not good this is not good at all

"Quick hid in the ditch hide go go" it was the Commander "stop right there what are you doing on the king's road" I need to make a lie real fast
"We have some wool to sell at the fair in longbourne sir" the Commander got off his horse and walked up to me

" I know you don't I what's your name spindleshank threadwhistel hobblefoot" my son got mad at the man and shouts my name " his name is Rumpelstiltskin" "Rumpel the one who ran is this your boy how old is he  what's your name  "I am before and I'm 13 " "when's your birthday
"in to days time" "did you teach him how to run as well Rumpelstiltskin did he tell you how he ran the holders turn the tide of the battle and all the others were killed and he returned home to a wife who could not bear the sight of him you see women do not like to be married"

" he told me everything that happened with my mother that she left because she fell in love with a pirate named Killian Jones my mother and Tim visit me 5 times a year" my son is braver than I am  " wealth anyway it's treason to avoid service take the boy"

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