2 Trust

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POV Rumplestiltskin

It's been a couple of years since I took the power of the dark one fighting the darkness inside of me is much more difficult than I thought it would be but ever since I became the dark when I have not killed a single soul I made deals with people that could  pay my price sometimes Darkness Takes Over Me and makes a

dark deal can a person have to pay me a dark price but I still try to do good things with people of the town i give presents the children at the orphanage can I give poor people money so they can live happy lives today I made a deal with someone and my price for helping them was a small golden knife after the deal was done I walked into the front door of my home

I saw my son sitting at the dinner table "bae a presents something to sharpen your coal with" my son looked at me with a concern look on his face because I made some dark deals " from a man who I made a deal with he had nothing else to offer so I took that as my price" my son smiles and took the knife but there was still a sad look on face

" what's the matter son you still have the look on your face of sadness tell me what is it you want tell me son what will make you happy" " leaving this place I'm tired of staying in this hovel all the time!!" " well that's easy to fix! How about a castle huh? I could build you a Palace so magnificent it will shadow will blankets the Countryside"

" that's not what I mean I want to go out have friends see the world Beyond these four Papa why can't you just trust me to do that" I've been keeping a very tight hold on bae because I don't want to lose him to anybody
"I do trust you bae it's the others that I can't you see I have many enemies beyond that door because of I Am The Dark One and once you leave any one of them could hurt you" my son looked at me a little angry

" are you sure that's the only reason maybe what you're really worried about is if I leave I might never come back" "no no no I'm worried about your safety this is the best place for you I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you" after our conversation we had dinner never spoke and then when we were done he went up to his room and after a while I did what I always do at night I spin the wheel

After a long time spinning the wheel night

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