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Rumplestiltskin's POV
Finally after 2 days I finally made it home I walked through the doors of my castle and Belle was sitting on a chair reading one of her many books she looked up and the moment she laid her eyes on me she ran up to me and gave me a hug and a kiss
"I see I was Missed" "yes you were now tell me how was your trip" we sat down at the couch I began to tell her my adventure" I was able to find the curse what I found it a dragon made up of pure shadow tried to kill me but by using my magic and my wits I was able to slay the mighty Beast and grab the curse"

"Well Rumpelstiltskin what is next in your master plan" she said to me sarcastically "Bell I know you don't agree with this but it's the only way I can find my" she walked right up to me gave me a passionate kiss why she stopped kissing me she looked right into my eyes with love "I understand why you have to do it but it doesn't mean I have to like it my love"
After a long day of traveling I went to take a nap by the time I woke up the sun was down and the moon was up I went downstairs to get something to drink but at the moment I got my drink I heard my name being called

"Rumpelstiltskin I summoned thee"
I use my magic to where my name was being called and right in front of me was a beautiful young woman with black hair "you called for me derie what can I help you with"
"a friend of mine told me that you could help me with my problem"
"and what exactly is your problem"
"my mother is forcing me to marry the king I have no interest in that I would just simply Escape but she has magic''

"And so do you want me to do what exactly" "I want you to help me kill my mother" "well I can help you with that but there are two things wrong with what you're asking me" "and what's that" "you see I made a promise to myself never to kill another living soul that's the first thing and the second thing is once you go down this path there's no turning back from it Trust me so are you absolutely sure you want to go down this road" "yes I really do the only way to stop my mother is to kill her I need you to teach me magic so I can fight her"

"oh you really are tenacious aren't you very well I will training to use Magic but first what is your name"
"my name is Regina" "well Regina let's get started" and so during the next three months I've been teaching Regina everything I knew about magic I must say she is very talented in fact she has so much potential that she might be able to cast the curse

When I was teaching her how to use a fireball a very basic spell but it's always handy to practice the basics
"Rumpelstiltskin even teach me for 3 months now and I only have five days until the wedding so when will I be ready to face my mother" "well Regina I'm being quite honest with you you are ready Too Face your mother large and the only way you can actually win against your mother you must harness the very magic I've been teaching you even though it's dark magic you must embrace it do not fight it" "I understand thank you Rumpelstiltskin for helping me"

"you're welcome"
The next day I met Regina outside the forest "hello Regina looks like you survived the battle" "yes I did here is your book back now if you excuse me I must get ready to leave" "well Regina it was a pleasure to teach you I hope you find your happy ending or maybe you already did" I slowly walked away
Until "wait Rumpelstiltskin"
"Yes dearie" "I want you to teach even more Magic" "for what reason do you want to learn more Magic"
"Revenge" and at the moment the prophecy that I saw also many years ago begins

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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