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When I got home I was greeted by my sister. 

She's 9.

My mom was asleep upstairs.

She had a hard day at the office.

She works to pay the bills.

Especially after Dad died.

I smiled when I saw my sister.

I picked her up and gave her a hug.

She giggled and asked me to put her down.

I made her dinner and she asked about the bruise on my face.

I told her I fell.

She laughed and called me clumsy.

I laughed with her.

I put her to bed and go to my room. 

I had homework to work on. 

If I don't get good grades my mom will get upset.

I don't want to disappoint her.

I work until midnight.

I tried to fall asleep after but I can't sleep.

My sores kept me awake.

Why me? 

I have enough to worry about.

I wish you would pick on someone your own size.

I despise you Taehyun.

From Fear to Freedom | Taegyu  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now