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As I waited for Soobin and kai outside of School, I feel myself being ambushed by many people.

I thought I was being kidnapped until I hear Yeonjun's crazed laughter.

I tried to scream but one of your friends was clamping my mouth shut.

I began crying because I knew I was being dragged behind the school.

Your friends dropped me on the ground harshly and I didn't bother screaming.

I was getting what I deserved anyway.

Yeonjun walked up to me and grabbed my chin.

'Clever trick you pulled yesterday' Yeonjun said

'We don't like it when you're clever.' Yeonjun finished.

He dropped his hand and gave me a slight tap on the face.

'Taehyun, show him what happens when he is clever' Yeonjun commands and I saw you hesitate.

You started your usual mantra of various blows to my body. 

Yeonjun scoffed and looked right at me.

'Stop being gentle. Give him what he deserves'

I saw you hesitate again before punching me much harder than before.

 I cried out in pain as you landed a blow right to my stomach.

I let you finish.

I watched as your friends walked away.

I watched as you stayed behind.

I watched as you handed me my backpack.

I watched as you pulled out my phone.

I watched as you handed it to me then walked away.

I waste no time before calling Soobin.

I wonder about you Taehyun.

Why would my bully help me?

Until I remember Yeonjun's talk.

You just want popularity.

Not to hurt people.

At least that is what I hope.

From Fear to Freedom | Taegyu  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now