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I walked home after school.

I felt someone following me.

I started walking quicker.

The footsteps became quicker.

I tried to run but the person caught up.

I turned to look at my attacker.

It was you.

'You said you were free today, right' you asked

I nodded.

'I'm following you to your house so we can work.' he said.

I nodded my head again and continued on my way home.

I walked into the house and I heard my sister walk down the stairs.

She noticed you and asked your name.

I saw you smile as you gave her your name.

I walked towards the kitchen to prepare forz my sister's meal. 

You and my sister were right behind me

I am suddenly enveloped in a hug.

I wince at the pain of her arms around my body.

'Are you okay?' she asked.

I nodded.

'Sorry I fell again' I responded.

'You're so clumsy silly' she responded and I faked a smile.

I saw you staring at me.

I protected you Taehyun.

If I didn't, 

my sister would've killed you.

Nobody deserves that.

From Fear to Freedom | Taegyu  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now