𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖊𝖓 💕

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Third POV

As Matti stood in front of Kairi confused as hell the rest of the boys came back and dressed out for gym.

The boys quickly noticed the tension between the tall and small boy.

"What's going on?" Ale asked first as it seemed no one wanted to talk with the awkward tension surrounding them.

"This kid thinks I know him" Kairi said trying to point towards Matti but failing due to his bandages blocking his eyesight.

"THATS BECAUSE YOU DO! Kai Kai please, I helped you in your space remember? After the situation between your group and the three guys on the way to lunch?"

Mattia spoked all panicky. As he tried to help Kairi remember him he grew frustrated and mad, his eyes both started to turn a dark red as his devil wings started to come out

"Why don't we calm down ok? Tia your wings, we're in class, put them away" Ale spoke softly with the rest agreeing behind him

"I DONT CARE! WHY DOESNT HE REMEMBER ME?" Mattia yelled turning towards the group as Blue and purple fire started to surround him and the entire group into groups of two

one being Ale&Alv, and the next being Ro&Rob and lastly matti and Kai being in their own ring of fire catching everyone in the gyms attention

Kairi tried to remember but simply couldn't and panicked after hearing mattia yell at him and seeing the fire rose dividing the group making him once again slip into little space

Kairi starts to cry like a baby once again and Robby and Alv are quick to get to him through the fire

"Ouchy" Alv said lookin at his left arm seeing it have a little burn mark "you ok mamas?" Ale asked a bit worried "Tia calm down you hurt my baby Alv"

Mattia couldn't hear as every sound around him vanished with only the fire surrounding him can be heard, he grew more and more mad making the fire start to move hectic-ly

Roshaun and Ale tried there best to scream to get mattia to hear them but they didn't succeed, Alv and Robby tried to calm down Kai who was slowly calming down until the blue and purple flame whipped around and touched his skin

Kai's witch powers acted up and his cries got even louder, his cries sounded like it was getting louder and louder. Alv and Robby panicked

it wasn't that he was actually getting louder but his powers were getting stronger and with him in little space his powers aren't controlled therefore his voice heightened and got extremely loud

The gym lights start to shatter one by one, the teacher and other students started to get scared and panicked all running out except the boys as they were all still surrounded by flames

Once the entire gym was pitch black the boys could only see nothing but the flames and each other's body heat images. It wasn't regular at least not Matti's and Ale's their body heats looked blue and red since they're a demon and Wolf, matti also had dark purple mixed in due to his genie side

Ro's body heat was only blue. Rob's was blue and yellow, Kai's was yellow, Pink, and lavender. Lastly Alv's was lavender, pink, and a soft pastel orange.

Kai's cries grew louder by the minute as the flames kept touching him every so often. Rob and Alv scared by Kai's side. Ro and Ale panicked trying to figure out how to calm down Mattia and Matti still in a trance by his anger and the sound of the flames

As Mattia was in his trance he almost missed the faint cries he heard, he didn't know where they came from as it was dark and all he could see were flames and the body heat of each of his friends.

As Mattia kept hearing them grow louder into his ear the flames grew quiet and started to slowly soften and start to disperse away while his eyes turned baby blue as he tried to pin point the cries

They sounded oh so familiar to him but at this moment he couldn't figure out whose they were until they flames fully went away and he heard Robby and Alv trying to calm down Kai.

Kai's powers started up again and this time his Angel side made a bright light shine above the boys giving them clear vision of each other.

Ale rushed over to Aloe who was just bout to give up and pass out due to exhaustion from his burned arm and trying to calm down Kai, Roshaun went by Roberts side and held him by a side hug letting him know everything is fine now

Mattia finally got clear vision and connected the cries to Kairi and rushed over, one eye turned his natural vibrant red color while the other stayed blue

"Sonó qui amore mio, calmati principessa, tutto a posto, guardami" matti said in his native tongue tilting Kai's head upwards to look at him

Kairi softly calmed down as he heard those spoken words looked at Mattia in the eyes, Kai's changed from Dark blue to one being its soft pink natural color and the other being baby blue

The boys watched in amusement how quickly they could calm each other down. Kai blinked a few times while staring in to Mattia's eyes which he thought were absolutely beautiful and Mattia did the same thing back rubbing Kai's cheeks softly

"Daddy" (pretend Kai said it in Japanese) Kai said making grabby hands to Mattia which resulted in Tia picking him up "Sveglia tesoro vai a dormire" mattia said gently pushing Kai's head down to put him to sleep, Kai nodded and lauded on his shoulder and closed his eyes falling asleep fast

"OH!!" Alv yelled waking up from his quick blackout he had catching all the boys attention "you asked why he didn't remember you when he woke up right Mattia?" Alv said looking at him with a sleepin Kai, Mattia only nodded not wanting to disturb the little boys sleep

"Ok well I'm assuming you didn't hear the ending of what Robby said when he's talked to Ale bout us having little space"

Mattia only proceeded to nod letting Alvaro know to continue

"Mattia... Kairi's brain isn't connected with his little space yet, therefore he only remembers you on his little space when he's Kai and not Kairi. We haven't taught him how to remember when he's not in little space cuz he didn't have a reason to remember, but now he does because now... he has you"

Mattia was surprised with what he heard but once Alv said Kairi had him his blue eye turned yellow/gold. He looked down at the sleeping boy and tightened his grip a little to which Kairi then snuggled into Mattia even more.

"We can help you help him remember? Right Robby just like we did me? We can help Kai remember Mattia" Alv said slowly getting happily excited turning his eyes yellow/gold, Robby nodded. Ro and Ale just kept going back and forth listening in on the conversation while holding onto their loved one.

"You said like how y'all did it for you Aloe, How did y'all get you to remember?" Matti asked softly

Alv quickly looked at Ale and then back at Mattia "Hehe well..."

1238 Words!!!! For this chapter

How do you think the bottoms got Alv to remember everything that happens when he's a little? Do you think this involves Ale? Do you think something traumatic happened?

Lmk in the comments ✌🏼😘💕

That's all for tonight I've been crying and my eyes hurt so yeah hope you love this chapter as much as I did 💕

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