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"Louis, I need to tell you something."

"Okay, what is it?" Louis asked.

"I- I'm- umm-"

"It's okay, Harry," Louis said. He turned to face Harry, grabbing his hand so that he held both.

"I'm scared to tell you," Harry admitted.

"It's okay, I promise it's not as bad as you think," Louis assured him. Louis was pretty sure he knew what Harry was trying to tell him. "Tell me something else if you're too scared. Tell me a joke."

"Okay, umm," Harry laughed nervously. "What is blue and not heavy?"

"The sky?" Louis guessed, stepping slightly closer to Harry.

"No, umm, light blue." Harry grinned.

"That's awful," Louis said. He took one step closer to Harry, looking up at him with a huge grin on his face. If they were the same height, their noses could be touching, their breaths mingling.

"Louis," Harry whispered.

"Hmm," Louis hummed.


"I like you, Harry," Louis rushed out, looking down at the ground.

"I- Really?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," Louis mumbled.

"I like you, too," Harry said. He let go of Louis' hands, bringing his own up to Louis' waist. Louis placed his own hands on Harry's chest. He stretched on to the tips of his toes so that he'd be closer to Harry.

Neither of the boys really realized what was happening as their lips met. Harry sighed out at the contact and pulled away after a few seconds. Louis laughed lightly, stepping back down to his normal height. He buried his face into Harry's chest, where his hands still rested. Harry moved his hands around Louis' waist further, pulling him closer to his body.

"Told you it wasn't bad," Louis laughed.

"You stole my moment, Lou," Harry said, feigning annoyance.

"You took too long," Louis told him.

"How many 'told you so's are we gonna get?" Harry asked jokingly, causing Louis to groan and pull away from Harry, slightly.

"Too many." Both boys stayed silent for a few minutes.

"Hey Harry, I have a joke for you," Louis said quietly.


"Knock knock."

"Who's there?" Harry was grinning.


"Disguise who?"

"Dis guy's your boyfriend. If you want him to be," Louis said, his face turning a deep red.

"Of course I want him to be," Harry grinned, wrapping his arms around Louis again. Louis looked up, leaning in for another kiss, which Harry gladly gave him.

"Don't people usually go on dates before they make those things official?" Liam asked, teasingly. Neither Louis or Harry had realized that anyone else was within hearing range of them.

"We've been on dates," Harry said, now that he'd gained his confidence back.

"We- we have?" Louis asked, confused. He didn't know if he should pull away from Harry and out of their hug. Harry made no move to pull away, so Louis didn't, either.

"We came to the park, like, twice a week for a month," Harry laughed lightly.

"Only like three weeks," Louis countered, laying his chin on Harry's chest so he could look up at him. Harry took that as an opportunity to peck Louis' lips. Louis didn't try to stop him.

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