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Ash's POV:

          Today has to be one of the most boring days I've lived. There's literally nothing to do, ugh I can't even go outside the weather is so shitty. It's only me and my dad in the house right now. He doesn't talk much to me- or anyone really. He's an introvert I'd say. My mum and dad got divorced when I was younger, ever since then my dad's pretty much been mute I guess. Sometimes when I'm ranting it slips out my mouth and then people start to pity me. Like "Omg I'm so sorry," "You poor thing," then I just sit there regretting talking about my life while they sit there looking at me like I'm crazy because I said, "I'm glad they split up". I don't want people to feel sorry over something that hardly affected me, makes me feel stupid.

          They used to fight every single night. I was terrified about them fighting for a few months but then I got to a point when I got so used to it I'd space out into my own little world watching Winx club downstairs while my parents argue, cry, scream, throw and break things on the floor above me. After all that I realized I could do much better on my own. My parents, well mostly my mom wasn't even there most of the time. She'd be out at clubs, on business trips, getting drunk almost every week while I was stuck at home with either my dad or teenagers desperate for money willing to babysit me. I never really cared about my mom anyways just my dad, and I still do care for him even though I'm not sure he does anymore for me.

          I'm not completely alone though. I have some friends, just not many. I'm that one girl who's just there. I take after my Dad on the social side. I might not be much of a social butterfly in person but I'm very active online. I adore my internet friends so much. They accept me for who I am, they accept my personality and looks. We have such long deep convos which I love. They've always been there for me so far, except time zones can make things tricky. My best friend lives in the UK and there's a 7-hour difference, so it's hard to talk sometimes. To be my friend or I person I care about you have to catch my vibe I'm not gonna give it to you just like that. What's the fun in being so open anyways, everyone loves a little mystery.

          *Ding* my phone got a notification knocking me out of my daily thoughts. I reached over to my bedside table grabbing my phone. I don't get notifications often so when I do it doesn't amuse me much, it's not that interesting.


@seaveydaniel has requested to follow you

          Who the hell is Seavey Daniel? What type of name is that? I clicked on the notification which took me to his profile. His profile looks pretty normal nothing sketchy really. Doesn't have that many followers. He doesn't look that bad either. I accepted his follow request and immediately after got a message, it was from Seavey or Daniel? Whatever his name is-


@seaveydaniel: Hey, you look nice how are you on this fine day? I'm doing good, just a bit bored since the weather is shit rn how about you?

@seaveydaniel: well I'm fine, I live in LA so the weather here is actually pretty nice lol sucks to be you wow you're lucky, I've always wanted to live in LA or San Diego

@seaveydaniel: it's ok here not really that special, it's just everywhere is just too expensive man well most of the time. Anyway hbu, where do you live? I live in North Dakota so not really that interesting

@seaveydaniel: yeah I definitely prefer LA, anyway I gotta do some business talk to you later? yeah, sure

@seaveydaniel: great, bye bye


          He seems so nice, and not gonna lie he does look quite hot. that's what I love about the internet. there are so many people to talk to, so many creative ideas just everything is on the internet. you can meet so many new people with interesting stories. It's amazing how you could chat with regular people just like yourself and they can be on the other side of the world.

          I really hope he and I get closer. He would make a really good friend. He seems normal too, which is good.

??? POV:

          I sat there, behind my desk, waiting for the information. This isn't the first time we've done this so it'll be ok. One bite then it's all done. My assistant walked through my office doors holding multiple files and a few binders.

Assistant: "Boss we've pinpointed the location. They only live with one parental guardian, they are 19 and have a history of learning hacking"

          she spoke as she set down the files and binders onto my desk. This is exactly what we need.

???: "How long till we can get them here?"

          I asked, I like to get my jobs done quickly. We don't have much time and always have to be on alert. Otherwise, we are done for. Our last hacker was murdered on our previous assignment, I don't want to endanger any of my workers, relatives, or friends.

Assistant: "We can get them in a week maximum"

          Perfect, 1 week is plenty of time to get them to trust me. They will be scared at first, but they will have to get used to it though as they will be staying here for a long time to come.

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