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I was looking down while walking trying to cover my face wiping the tears away in case anyone saw me. I have no clue where the hell I'm going right now. This house is huge. I bumped into Brittany.

Brittany: "How did it go?"

_ _ _ _ _

Ash's POV:

It was terrible. I hated every single second of it. I want to go home. Something about this place seems off though, in a weird way it just doesn't add up. ugh why me?! I looked up to Bri.

Ash: "It was ok"

I replied lying showing a fake smile, my head was screaming with thoughts. This is all so overwhelming.

Brittany: "C'mon let's get you meeting the others"

kay spoke, guiding me downstairs leading me through a hallway. I'm in the WDW house. That's why I recognized the hallways from before, though I clearly didn't know their house was this big. I only ever saw the tiniest bit during facetime calls with... nevermind.

I try to push my thoughts aside and looked around again. We walked into what seemed to be a lounge area. the first thing I saw was an L-shaped couch with 8 seats, 5 on the long side with 3 on the short end, it was a deep navy blue color. There was a white carpet with a glass table by the couch, facing a huge flatscreen T.V on top of a white stand with shelves on both sides, and two cupboards in the middle. I noticed a group of 4 guys sitting while talking around a coffee table pushed off to the side of the room. I recognized them. Jonah was the tallest with light-ish brown hair neatly done drinking out of a mug. Corbyn was the one with dirty blond hair in a NASA hoodie, messing with his rings. Zach and Jack wearing similar clothing with one of their phones out probably taking pictures.

Ash: "you guys are in the gang too?"

They turned around and looked to see me and Brittany standing there. The boys ran over to me with slightly worried expressions on their faces.

Jonah: "How are you holding up?"

he asked pulling me into a hug. I didn't try to hug back since I felt drained of energy to even lift my arms, so I just leaned my head onto his chest.

Ash: "I'm fine, but when can I leave?"

I know it's a stupid question to ask, but Daniel lied to me once already or maybe every single word he said was a lie, might as well try my luck on people who haven't hurt me yet. Jonah let go of the hug and I backed up to see all the boys and Brittany looking at me with blank expressions. They probably think I'm an idiot right now.

Jack: "well," he started but looked as If he's trying to find the right words.

Corbyn: "There are two ways you can leave," he said air quoting 'leave'. "You either die or you get kidnapped".

Now I'm the one with a blank expression. wtf did he just say?!

Ash: "what do you mean die?"

Ok now I'm 100% an idiot ofc I know what die means, someones gonna kill me probably them or another gang.

Ash: "Nevermind don't answer that" I lightly chuckled, shit I made everything awkward now.

Gang Leader // D.J.S (On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now