O/C (might add more) and Introduction

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Yuki Hashinari Ubuyashiki


Youngest Hashinari

Ice Pillar

Blue right eye, purple left eye. Left eye normally covered by hair

 White waist lenght hair with blue tips and a bang over left eye


December 20

Rei Hashinari Ubuyashiki


Second eldest Hashinari

Elite Kakashi

Blue right eye, purple left eye. Left eye normally covered by hair

White neck lenght hair with blue tips and a bang over left eye (imagine pink haired Elizabeth for SDS)

Face normally sets in a frown.

December 20

Yuri Hashinari Ubuyashiki


Second youngest Hashinari

Elite Kakashi

Yuki's shapeshifting guide

Eyes: outer iris blue inner iris purple for both

Messy white hair

Very loud and loves making others laugh

December 20

Rin Hashinari Ubuyashiki


Eldest Hashinari

Elite Kakashi

Rei's shapeshifting guide

Eyes: outer iris purple inner iris blue for both

Straight white hair

Rarely talks

December 20


In this world, there are a few who have rare powers. They are usually known by their purple left eye that has a slit pupil. These people usually hide themselves so their powers aren't abused. They are accompanied by a shapeshifter who guides them in using there powers. It is said that once they turn into a demon, they effectivley lose their powers and their guide dies. 

Yuki has this rare ability and her mother's  guide left her at the mansion as Muzan was targeting her for both her powers and marechi blood. Because of her powers she only sheds normal tears from her right blue eye.


There is going to alot of age changes throughtout.

Hope you enjoy and don't forget to comment, share and vote.

Y O U  H A V E  B E I N G  W A R N E D

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