The Incident

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You woke up and stretched your limbs. You were still very tired, and you couldn't get Isabella's words out of your head. But you weren't going to let her get into your head. She was annoying. You got up and changed into a casual outfit: (name your outfit). You yawned and went downstairs to see your mom making (your favorite breakfast). "Good morning, honey," your mom said in her usual cheery tone. "Hey mom," you said. You sat next to your dad at the table. "Hey, (silly nickname)! How are you doing?" He asked in his cheery tone. You smiled. "Eh, still very tired." You said with a chuckle. "What are you planning to do today?" He asked. "Just the usual, hang out with Phineas and Ferb!" you said with a bright smile. "That's great!" Your parents exclaimed. You all laughed. Your parents sat down and you all ate breakfast.

~~After Breakfast~~

You put your plate in the sink and gave your parents hugs and kisses, and told them bye before running over to the Flynn-Fletcher's house. You made it to their house and knocked on the door. Candace opened it. "Oh! Hey, Y/N! The boys are in the backyard like usual." You smiled. "Thank you," you said happily. "Are they building anything?" She shook her head. "I didn't hear any tools or any loud noises," she explained. "Anyways, come on in! Mom and Dad are out for Mom's birthday, so you won't have to worry about them. They're gonna be home at like, midnight." "Ok!" You said happily. You thanked her as well and walked in the house and went to the backyard. Phineas and Ferb had blueprints of some strange rollercoaster. You walked up to them and watched them curiously.

After 3 hours of watching them build, they didn't even notice you were there, except for Ferb. (A/N: This probably should've been a Ferb x Reader 😂). He waved and you waved back. He walked over to you. "Bored?" He asked. You smiled and nodded. "Do you have plans with Vanessa?" You asked. He nodded. "Oh. I guess I'll hang out with Candace." He gave a small smile and a pat on your back before going back to building. You smiled. Even though he didn't talk as much, you still thought of him as best friends. You went in the house and sat down on the couch across from Candace. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked. You shrugged. "Eh, nothing really. Just bored. Phineas and Ferb are building another rollercoaster thing in the backyard. It looked much cooler than the last one they built. "They are what?! Oh they are so BUSTED!!" Candace yelled. You looked down. "Hey, are you sure you're ok? You seem a little upset." Candace sat down next to you. You sighed. "It's just Isabella," you say. "Oh, what about her?" "She just gets in the way of me. Everytime I'm around Phineas, she just pushes me out of the way and puts me down, saying I will never have a chance." Candace nodded. "Wait a minute. Ooooo~ you have a crush on Phineas don't you?" She asked with a smirk and her eyebrows going up and down. Your cheeks heated up and you nodded. "Oo~ I never really liked Isabella either. She can be a real pain in the ass." You let out a small chuckle. You always trusted Candace, and she never once let you down. "I'll be back. I have some brothers to bust!" She got up and stormed to the backyard.

There was a knock on the door, so you got up to open it. When you opened the door, Isabella was standing on the doorstep. "Ugh, it's-" You slammed the door in her face, and started laughing as she screamed. You just left. Oh shit. She could still come through the gate. You groaned and went to the backyard to see Isabella watching Phineas build the rollercoaster as Candace was calling Linda. Isabella saw you and stuck her tongue out at you. That big baby. You both glared at each other for what seemed like forever. You decided to ignore her and walked up to Phineas to see how he was doing. He was sweating like crazy. You handed him a towel that was on the chair. He took it and wiped his head. That didn't seem to help. He took off his shirt, which seemed to cool him off. You blushed like crazy, and turned around so Phineas and Isabella wouldn't see. Candace giggled a bit when she saw you. You gave her a playful smile and turned back around when your blushing soothed. You just couldn't help staring at Phineas. Isabella coughed, which interrupted your thoughts. She glared at you as you glared at her back.

They finished their rollercoaster, and Phineas invited everyone: Baljeet, Buford, Isabella, you, Candace, Jeremy, Vanessa, and Isabella's girls. Everyone sat down, and you sat in the very back, and not surprisingly, Isabella sat next to Phineas. You huffed. No one sat next to you. Phineas got off the ride, pushed the button, and quickly hopped back on the ride next to Isabella. You saw Perry crawl on the ride and got on your lap. To protect him, you put him on the spot next to you and pulled the lap bar down. He had a hat? You suspected nothing of it, and you pulled the lap bar down for you as well. Perry did his usual gritted noice, but looked at you and winked. It kinda freaked you out, but you just giggled. The ride started. It started going slow, then a little bit faster. Then the ride was at full speed. Everyone was screaming of fear, except for you and Phineas. You both were screaming with joy and fun. Perry had his hands up, which made you laugh a bit. The ride was fun!! Probably the most fun you have ever had!!

The ride was over and you all got off. Candace and Jeremy were freaking out and saying how terrific the ride was. Everyone was rambling on and on, and Candace decided not to snitch on her brothers. You got off, and grabbed Perry. You legs felt like jelly, and you put Perry down so he wouldn't get crushed if you fall. He took the hat off and hid it pretty well. You saw Phineas and Isabella talking to each other. Isabella formed hearts in her eyes. No seriously. You were getting a bit jealous. You walked over to him, but since your legs weren't working properly, you kept tumbling. You made it over there, but only to trip on your feet, causing you to fall. You closed your eyes and grunted when you landed. But you didn't land on the floor. But on someone. You felt lips on yours. You opened your eyes to that you were on.... Phineas?! (A/N: He still has his shirt off, so that can make it more interesting).

You quickly got up, pulling away from the kiss, and you looked at Isabella. She looked FURIOUS. Tears formed in your eyes. You ran out of the backyard and ran to your house. You opened the front door and walked in. You closed the door and ran to your room. You could still feel his lips on yours, even though he wasn't kissing you. Your hands on his chest. You could still feel it!! You cried your eyes out. You were embarrassed. Isabella saw what happened!! She looked furious!! She hates you even more now!! You cried while hugging your pillow tight. You looked up at your wall with all your pictures of you and Isabella. You screamed and tore them down. You hated Isabella. You didn't want to be her friend anymore. She never cared about you. You never cared about her either. You continued to cry until you fell into a deep slumber.

1323 words?! Holy crap!! (Not including these words).

Phineas x Reader: Ever Since the 'Incident'Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin