The Confession

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You got up, and it was 8pm. You missed dinner, but you weren't hungry anyways. You sat up, and rubbed your head. You had a major headache from crying the while time. You got up and looked out the window. You saw Phineas at his window as well. You knocked on your window, and to your surprise, he looked up at you. He waved. You blushed and waved back. He opened up his window and gave you a look. You wrote something down.
You want me to open the window?
He nodded.

  You opened it up and he smiled at you. "Hey!" He exclaimed. Your house was right next to his, so the windows were really close. "Hey, Phineas," you said back. "Umm, about the incident, I'm sorry. It's just that my legs were very-" "Hey, it's ok. Um, you weren't a bad kisser either," he said, turning a bright red. Your cheeks heated up. "T-thanks," you said. "Are you ok? You always seem down when Isabella is around." You looked down and played with your PJ shirt. "Um, yeah. It is about her," you mumbled. "Can you tell me?" He asked. "I guess so," you said nervously. He placed a hand on your cheek, causing you to jump a bit, but melted into his touch (A/N: Liem I said, the windows right next to each other, really close). "Now tell me," he said softly. You sighed and told him everything about Isabella, but never mentioned about the parts about her pulling him away from you. You didn't want him to freak out a bit. He looked a little annoyed. "I thought she was sweet. I'm sorry I never realized what she has done to you." You smiled. "It's fine," you said. You both stood there. It was nothing but silence, until Phineas broke it. "Hey, um, I actually have something for you," he said, handing you a little black box with a red and white bow. You took it and opened it up. "Oh, I love it!" You exclaimed. It was a necklace with a heart locket with a picture of you and Phineas inside. You smiled and put it on. "I'm glad you do." He said, turning a bit red. "Thank you, Phineas." You said. "Mhm."

Once again, it was silence. You broke it this time. "Hey, can I tell you something?" You asked. He looked at you and nodded. "Anything," he said with a smile. You took a deep breath. You were going to confess. "So, ever since we met," you started, "I have been liking you for a while. I been crushing on you since we were little, but never had the courage to tell, and I didn't want Isabella to greak out. I kept it in my whole life. So, Phineas, I really love you. I under-" You felt lips against yours. He's kissing me?! You were shocked, but you slowly melted into the kiss. You both pulled away. "I've been crushing on you for a while as well. I'm very sorry that you had to deal with Isabella," he explained. "It's fine," you said. "It's not your fault." He smiled. "So are we a thing?" You asked. "If you want to be." You smiled. "I'd like that." "Me too," he said. He gave you another kiss, and you kissed back. You both pulled away, and smiled at one another. You saw Ferb giving you a thumbs up with a smile. You smiled back at him. "I guess we should head back to bed," Phineas stated. "Yeah, you're right," you say. You shared another kiss, and him and Ferb goodnight. You closed the window and waved. They waved back, then went to bed. You went to bed as well. You stared st the ceiling until you fell into a slumber.

You just hoped Isabella wouldn't do anything to you.

647 words (not including these). Not as much as the last one.

Phineas x Reader: Ever Since the 'Incident'Where stories live. Discover now