Chapter 2 {The Train Ride}

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"So.."    Henry begins to say, trying to start a conversation. I look up at him as he plays with his fingers.

"What year are you?"   I ask, trying to avoid the awkward silence.         "6th, Gryffindor, you?"

"6th as well. I'm in Slytherin."               "Hmm."   He answers, slightly raising his eyebrows.  I ignore that. 

Just as I feared, the silence sets in, leaving us both with nothing more to say to one another.   I wait a few moments before I pull my luggage out from underneath.   I dig through it before pulling out one of my books.  Henry stares at the book placed in my hands for a moment before he directs his attention to the window.        I comfortably seat myself before I open the book, quickly losing myself beyond the words.




The thudding and slight screeching of the train wheels is the sound that plays throughout my head during the period of this trip.     "Interesting read?"   His voice breaks the silence as I look up at him.

"Oh, um yeah. It's pretty good so far."  I say, giving him a soft smile.    It won't be so bad to take a break and get to know your "train partner".   So I place my book down, marking my place before I close it shut on my lap.  "So, are you from around here?"  I ask.

"Oh not at all."  He replies in a sort of quiet breathy laugh . "I'm from Manchester, England."

"Oh? What do your parents do back at your home?"                 "They own a bookstore together."  He says, sounding slightly embarrassed.

"Do you have any personal favourites?" I ask.                  "I enjoy the classics, "To kill a mockingbird" , "Lord of the flies" and so forth. I find them much more interesting than the others. Have you read any classics?"

"I've read a few." I reply, smiling at him, to which he smiles back.   Our conversation doesn't die off, it thankfully continues throughout most of the train ride.    

This leaves me to become very fond of Henry, very fast.  He just seems to click with me, enjoys most things I do, we have very similar tastes.   Why not try for a friend early this year?  Father did say to make friends.

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