Hello? Teen crisis hotline

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Van Gogh picked up his phone with a shaky hand and waited patiently until he heard a voice on the other line. A familiar voice.
"Er uh hello teen crisis hotline"
Gogh froze. His eyes twinkled a little bit and his frown turned the slightest bit upwards.
"H-hello," he said softly with a shaky voice.
"Wait I er uhh know you. You're the tiny art man, right? The one that paints all those er sunflowers?"
"Y-yeah that'd be m-me" Gogh said with a bit of joy in his voice
"Oh man. Those are uh so cool. You're very er uh talented!"
Gogh smiled as he heard John's words.
"Oh er uh sorry you called for a er reason . What's er uh up?"
Gogh sighed as he spoke.
"I'm. Lonely. I have no friends and nobody speaks to me. I don't know what to do about it so I just cry."
"Well er uh say little man. What if I er uh hung out with you? We could er uhhhh go to a movie or er uh hang out after school if you'd like."
Gogh's eyes lit up and his smile grew wide .
"R-really? You'd do that for a loser like me?"
"You're er uh not a loser Vinnie. You seem uh cool. I'd like to er uh hang out with you."
"Oh well t-then. I'd love t-to hang out sometime..."
"Cool, little man."
Van Gogh hung up and sat down on his bed. He covered his face with his hands and smiled. He was going to hang out. With John! But. Why was he so excited. They're both guys and they're just hanging out. It's not like it's a date, right?

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