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Vincent woke up and tried to sit up. He realized there was something on his chest, pinning him in place. He turned to see jfks arm wrapped around him. He smiled and turned to face jfk. Jfk was surprisingly awake. "Hey Vinnie. Sleep well?" he said smiling.  Gogh nodded and smiled back. Jfk wrapped his arm around Gogh's back and moved him closer.
~~Time skip~~

Jfk stood in front of the doorframe of his house, waiting for Gogh to come out. After about 3 minutes he heard a creak upstairs and feet moving down the stairway. Vincent out, shoving papers in his sachel. "Hey Vinnie! You got everything?" Jfk said , looking at the small nervous boy infront of him. Vincent nodded. Jfk held the car door open for Vincent then got in on the other side. He put his arm around Vincent as he drove. About 40 minutes later, they arrived at a field. Vincent smiled and got out of the car with his bag. Jfk followed him. Vincent sat down at a tree and got out his sketchbook. Jfk sat down next to him and watched from over his shoulder. Vincent made small doodles of jfk all over the page. Jfk stared with wide eyes. "That's. That's me? Woah," jfk said in shock. "Y-yeah! There's. Alot of you in here. I've been drawing you alot recently. You've been on my mind for weeks. Ah. Sorry I'm rambling," Vincent said gripping his sketchbook tightly. JFK's eyes widened as  he put his hands on Vincent's shoulders. "Can. Can I er uh. See?" Vincent looked at Jfk and nodded. "Yes but. Please don't flip back further than," he opened the sketchbook to a sunflower drawing,"this page." Jfk smiled and took the book. He started flipping and looked at the hundreds of super detailed drawings of him. Not one was left unshaded or uncolored. "Woah little man. Woah. I er uh. I feel honored. These are so er cool!" Jfk said, turning to Vincent with a grin. Vincent looked at him with a soft smile. "You like them? I thought you'd think they were creepy. Well. That's what ghandi told me." Jfk looked down at him. "Like? I love them! I er don't understand uh how you can draw such er detailed art from memory!" Vincent smiled and leaned on Jfk.

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