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Odin's Palace

Sif joined the Warriors Three as they hurried towards the Throne Room.

Throne Room

Two Einherjar Guards entered, admitting Sif and the Warriors Three, who burst through the entrance, heads bowed. "Allfather, we must speak with you," Sif said and they all raised their heads, to see Loki instead of Odin on the throne.

Besides him was Lidianna, who was wearing a green and black gown, that separated in the middle to show she had black pants, and dark grey high top boots. Attached to her shoulders was a black cape, and she had a golden crown atop her dark curly head. Loki & Lidianna slightly smirked at Sif and the Warriors Three's reactions.

Loki was sitting sprawled upon his father's throne while he wore his golden horned ceremonial headdress and held Gungnir in his hand. "What is this?" Volstagg asked.

"My friends...you haven't heard? I am now Ruler of Asgard, with Princess Lidianna as the next one in line," Loki said as a smirk appeared on Lidianna's face.

"Where is Odin?" Fandral asked.

"Father's fallen into the Odinsleep. My mother fears he may never awaken again," Loki said with fake sadness.

"We would speak with her," Sif said as she and Warriors Three exchanged a look. Loki & Lidianna noticed. Loki was about to say something but Lidianna put her hand on his shoulder, as in saying she could handle it.

"She has refused to leave Grandfather's bedside. You can bring your urgent matter to my father, your King," Lidianna said and Sif covered quickly.

"We would ask you to end Thor's banishment," Sif said.

"My first command can not be to undo the Allfather's last. We're on the brink of war with Jotunheim. Our people must have a sense of continuity in order to feel safe in these difficult time," Loki said as Sif and the Warriors Three traded looks. "All of us must stand together, for the good of Asgard."

"Of course," Fandral said. Sif and the Warriors Three bowed their heads as Lidianna smirked at them.

New Mexico, USA
Puente Antiguo - Main Street

Jane, Erik & Darcy headed up the street, by Arturo's, when they saw a pick-up truck pull up before them, stopped by traffic. In the back of the vehicle, Jane noticed, partially covered by a tarp, the dark matter analysis machine from her lab. "Hey! That's my stuff!" Jane yelled.

Smith Motors

Jane, Erik, and Darcy reached the lab, where government vehicles were parked. SHIELD Agents hauled equipment out of the lab and loaded in into waiting vans. Other Agents stripped all the equipment from inside the Pinzgauer and carted it away. Still others emerge from Jane's trailer, arms locked with scientific instruments and documents. "What the hell is going on here?!" Jane yelled as she approached Agent Phill Coulson.

"Ms. Foster, I'm Agent Coulson with SHIELD," Phill said but Erik recognized the name of the organization and grew wary.

"I don't care who you work for, you can't do this!" Jane yelled.

"Jane. This is more serious than you realize. Let it go," Erik said.

"Let it go?! This is my life!" Jane yelled.

"We're investigating a security threat. We need to appropriate your equipment and all your atmospheric data," Phill explained.

"By appropriate you mean steal?" Jane asked but instead of answering, Phill gives her a check.

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