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I was floating along a long winding stream on my back. My eyes were closed but I could somehow see where I was. It was like I was watching myself from the branches of a nearby tree.

As I drifted, it became clearer that at the edge of the stream, there was a cliff where the water abruptly crashed down - and I was headed straight for it. From where I was perched up above I could see the gut-wrenching height I would eventually fall.

Dire as my situation was, I felt oddly calm as I glided along the smooth surface of the stream. I watched myself drift closer and closer towards the waterfall, and in direct correlation with the distance my body was gaining to the edge of the cliff, panic seeped into the soft wall of calm that had been secured around my mind. My breathing sped.

I was going to fall. I was going to die. And there was nothing I could do about it.

Abruptly, my eyes wrenched open, and I was in my own body again. I was still floating down the stream, a couple of metres away from the cliff's edge. The water was relatively warm, but the wind was icy and my ginger hair whipped my pale, freckled face.

That was all I had time to think before I slipped over the edge of the cliff.

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