To Heaven

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I was still in shock when the walls disappeared.

They seemed to melt away to reveal a pinky-blue sunset. I was only on one of many fantasy-ish clouds, floating gently, each roughly the size of a car. Each cloud had a person on it, but I could only make out their dark outlines because they were too far away.

A loud voice sounded.

"Attention all expired, departed and/or recently deceased. Welcome," it boomed, "To Heaven."

Ah! So this, IS heaven... Ok, how did the living guess so perfectly what it'd be like? I felt like I was buzzing with questions. I vaguely noticed each cloud was drifting slowly. Some, to my left, and some to my right. I was moving forwards, along with several other clouds.

Eventually, one cloud drifted close enough that I could make out the person riding it. He sat cross-legged on the bed-platform-thing, and he was looking around in wonder and shock. He had cropped soft-looking hair that glinted in the soft orange sun and I couldn't decide whether it was brown or blonde. His were dark and held secrets, accented by the dark rings underneath his eyes that contrasted perfectly with his perfect pale face. He wore a white hoodie, blue ripped jeans and white converse. I actually didn't know that brands sold products to places that were undetermined.

He hadn't noticed me yet, and I found myself wanting him to glance my way. I coughed loudly because my throat was dry (I wonder whether there's anything to drink around here...) and also because I wanted to attract his attention. Why? I have no idea, but I didn't think much of it then.

His head whipped towards the sound I made and his honey brown eyes met mine. I pretended not to notice at first and then looked at him. I smiled and waved at him. He grinned at me, got up swiftly and walked over to the edge of his cloud, towards me. He seemed to be contemplating whether he would be able to make the jump onto my cloud.

I hesitated as he jumped, not sure whether I should walk to meet him or wait for him to come over. As I mulled over what to do, my conscious realised he wasn't going to make the jump and I found myself reaching for his hand right before he fell to his doom. I tried to pull him up, but his hand slipped, and he plunged towards his doom, along with my heart, which plunged into my twisted stomach. I felt sick in my throat, a feeling I was actually used to, after the months of illness I went through. I looked around frantically, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, he was racing back up to me from the endless strawberry-coloured abyss below, arms and legs flailing, his expression terrified. He was flung up into the air and then fell onto my cloud with a soft thud.

"Oh my god, are you OK?" I asked, concerned.

He blinked a few times and then looked at me, his eyes dazed. I looked into his eyes for a few moments, and he looked back, his honey-brown eyes dark and miles deep.

"F-fine," he chuckled, awkwardly, before slowly getting to his feet, "I'm Jude."

"Bailey," I smiled, holding out my hand for him to shake in greeting.

He scratched the back of his neck before taking my hand and shaking it once before freezing, and hiding his arms behind his back and clearing his throat awkwardly.

"Soo..." I began, looking around - anywhere but at him, "Uhm, would it be impolite to ask how you got here...?" I grinned, sheepishly.

"Um, no... yeah. I mean no. Wait," he sighed and smiled apologetically, "Yes?"

I cocked my head, grinning and very confused.

"I don't think I'm ready to, uh.. disclose that information, as it stands," he grinned, softly.

"Oh. No problem, then," I mused, running my fingers through my strawberry hair, "Hey, if it helps, I have no problem telling you how I died. Wait, sorry how would that help? Argh, did I just make you feel even worse? Sorry, sorry, sorry! I haven't been able to talk properly like this in like.. forever!"

He laughed quietly and smiled. I smiled back.

"No, it's fine, if you want to tell me," he reassured me.

"Yeah, ok, so let me know if I'm going too fast," I began, rubbing my hands together, "6 months ago I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia." (Jude gasped quietly and his arms wrapped themselves around his waist.) "My father had lost a lot of money after paying for unsuccessful treatment for my mother, who died 3 years ago from a different cancer called Lymphoma. He was in a lot of debt and didn't have the money to pay for my treatments. I got sicker and sicker, and now I'm here, I guess. I feel so guilty, though. My little sister, all alone now. And dad. He was broken when Mum died, but I hope he's alright, now."

My stomach had clenched, tightly, and I didn't realise I was crying until a low sob broke the silence after I had finished my ramble. Tears were streaming down my face. I'm gonna miss them so much...

"I-I... I'm s-sorry," he stuttered, clueless as to what to do. He stepped closer to me until we were only a foot apart and put his firm hand on my shoulder, and patted it awkwardly. He was only like a couple inches taller than me, which wasn't surprising since I'm a decent height, but I still had to look up to stare into his eyes.

His expression was hard, and his jaw clenched. I stepped away from him, as my heart stuttered. What was that? I was probably just sad, or frustrated or something.

He cleared his throat.

"It's fine, though," I sniffed, feeling a little better, "They'll be fine. They won't do anything reckless. I hope. I mean they could, you never know. Parker wouldn't. That's my little sister by the way. She was always an angel. Like a daughter to me, you know? Like a best friend. Sorry I talk a lot."

I decided against pushing him for details about his life. You know, when he had one.

"You do," he smirked.

"It's a strength, not a weakness," I glared, but he only continued smirking at my babbling.

I'd never really thought that I was socially awkward or anything like that. I'm just your average 15-year-old.

Or, at least I was...
(edited 13/8/2022)

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