Where Am I?

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A broken ear-splitting scream. Falling, falling...

Still falling.

Huh. The drop was further than I thou- gah!

Just as my helpless body was about to hit the icy surface of the cold, dark watery abyss below, I felt my body lurch upwards with a loud gasp. I wasn't falling at all!

It was only a dream.

But wait, if that was a dream... am I not dead?

Slowly, my eyes began to adjust. The room I was in was dimly-lit. Everything seemed to be made of a strange, wispy substance, including the soft platform I lay on now. It was confusing to look at, but enchanting to touch. So soft! If you could touch pure ecstasy, this is what it would feel like. It reacted to my weight as if I was as light as a feather which was a strange experience, and where I lay, propped up on my elbows, a faint blue glow emitted from within the fluff wherever my body touched it. The platform was the only thing in the room, but the fluffy, white stuff was lumpy, which made the room feel slightly less empty.

I soon grew impatient with observing my surroundings and felt my mind wander, slowly. Where was I? Wasn't I supposed to be dead? Was I dead? Perhaps this was heaven.

Curious now, I lifted my self from the platform. The room didn't seem to have a door. I soon began to panic.

So this couldn't be heaven. Wasn't heaven supposed to be a place where your soul goes if you've done good, as a reward? If this was heaven, why was I panicking? My breathing sped. Would I be stuck here forever? Clueless, I rushed over to the wall of fluff opposite the platform (which I'm pretty sure is supposed to be a bed) but when I was a few steps away from the wall a mirror appeared in front of me.

I took a step back, blinking. For the first time in a while, I looked at myself. Considering I had been, well, dying a few minutes ago, I looked surprisingly... alright.

Sure, I was paler than usual. Not that I wasn't pale to begin with... there were zero bags under my eyes, my full lips were a disconcertingly lovely shade of pink, and my usually acne covered skin was clear, but my freckles were still there. I rubbed at them, as if to wipe them away but to no avail, obviously. This was confusing. You see, I was never exactly the most beautiful girl in the world. My strawberry-blonde curly hair was down and hung loosely around my torso. I don't know why but this made me really uncomfortable, so I pushed it behind my shoulders.

I was wearing a soft, white collared sweater, tucked into a pair of loose jeans. I frowned and tugged at the collar of the sweater. I was never a big fan of collared things. I don't know if this is weird, but I feel stuffy when my neck is covered, so I never really wear turtlenecks or collars really.

Then I looked at my eyes. Surprised, I froze. Then I squinted and took a step
forward, craning my neck to better see them. My ever-green coloured irises had darkened to an exquisite shade of forest-tree-green. And that wasn't even the weirdest part. My pupils weren't black anymore. They were white.

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