Izuku Bakugou

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An AU where Izuku is Katsuki's older half brother and has been at a hero school in America for the past year.


UA is having a family day so the parents and siblings of the kids are all chilling out and talking. No one in 1-A knows Katsuki has an older brother and they assume he's an only child, until:

Izuku walked through the doors of Hights Alliance, it been about a year science he's seen his family, hell he wasn't even supposed to be back until graduation, but..

Mitsuki glanced at the door when she noticed it open and snorted, "Well, I wasn't expecting to see my firstborn spawn here." He said gaining the attention of the 1-A kids.

Izuku chuckled, "Hello, Mother dearest." He said sarchasicly. 

"What the hell are you doing here!" Katsuki yelled, "You're supposed to be in America!"

Izuku chuckled, running a hand through his blond curls, "Yeeaah, about that.." He said, "So I may or may not have accidentally committed arson.." As soon as he finished the sentence Mitsuki snorted and Masaru sighed in defeat.

"Bitch how?" Katsuki asked genuenly confused.

Izuku gave him a look, "We literally both have explotion quirks are you're really going to ask me that?" He said.

Katsuki huffed, "You have a point, but still! How the fuck?"

"One of my room mates scared me and my quirk set off." He said. Katsuki raised a brown knowing there was more, "We were in a wooden cabin for a small vacation, provided by the school. I ended up burning down three miles of forest." By the end of the story Mitsuki was laughing her ass off and Masaru was questioning why his good child was soaccident prone.

"You're a fucking dumbass." Katsuki said.

"Yeah, it comes from my jackass of a dad." Izuku said.


Izuku and Katsuki have different Dads in this AU. Hisashi is Izuku's bio dad and he's a villain, butnot a very good one.

I don't have anything else for this atm. leave suggestion or whatever.

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