MonoDeku headcanon

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Monoma has an aversion to touch because of his quirk. The way I interpret his quirk is he can feel people's quirks and so touching them is very uncomfortable for him, especially if the person's quirk is powerful.

The only time he touches people is when he's in intentionally copying someone's quirk; or when he accidentally touches someone and he hates that.
[Izuku is quirkless in this btw]

So while in a rush to get to class because he's late Izuku crashes into Monoma, who is about to freak out. But he freezes.

He didn't feel a quirk from Izuku. He intentionally has thei hands brush to see if it was a fluke, but it wasn't.

Izuku apologizes and that's when Monoma looks at his face and for him its love at first sight.
Once the t wss o start dating Monoma is always touching Izuku in some way. Hand holding, hugging, cuddling, and arm around the him, ect.

It surprised Itsuka whenbshe first saw how touchy Monoma was her knowing about his touch advertion, but it was explained later that Izuku is quirkless and thats a huge factor.

I'll add more later

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