{Fluff} 3:45 AM, And a bottle of whiskey. {SHIGADABI}

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You know that feeling when you lay your eyes on someone and they're so damn beautiful that your eyes tear up, as you stare for what seems eternity?~

-No?.. Oh.. Well.. I do....-

Hah. Yeah right....... ...


Shigaraki's POV..

I don't know what came over me, or if I hit my head while sleeping.. But.. Today felt different. Not that I'd even notice that until I laid eyes on him..

But who gives a shit.

I opened my eyes to a dull, dimmed room. 'Great... I slept too long.' it must have been 4pm.. 5pm..? I shrugged it off with a sigh, rolling over to face my phone. I grabbed it, careful not to make the mistake of disintegrating it again.

That's when it hit me. "oh sHIT-"

"I can't be late... cAn't bE laTe..-" Throwing a black pair of ripped skinny jeans, and some infinity gauntlet socks on (damn you, Toga.), I was ready to burst through the door as to not miss the meeting.

I couldn't possibly set a prime example of not being late if I was late myself..! I would be a hypocrite...!

I opened the door carefully, walking down the hallway, feeling extremely sleep deprived, yet an overwhelming sense of urgency.

Wha....? Why are... The lights off...?


"...I sWEAR to gOD- You prats SERIOUSLY had the nERVE- as to turn off the lights to try to postpone the meeting-"

".....wow.. you're up early.." A deeper yet smoothly dry voice said from the shadows of the bar.

Turning my head towards the source of the voice, I laid my eyes upon.... ".....Patchwork..?"

"..Yeah? What?"

That's when it hit me. 'early'...? I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion at the statement, scratching my neck. The purple idiot chuckled at me, which really made my blood boil. "..The hell're you chuckling about...?"

"Oh, nothing.. It's just that you seem confused. It's cute."

wait... wHAT.?!

"-what did you just say..?" I asked for clarification, with a light blush rising over my face, and the urge to scratch my neck rising yet again. "I said you seem confused. It's cued."

"C...ued..?" My look of confusion was enhanced at his utterly ridiculous statement. "Yeah...? Y'know, like expected? Staged? Expecte-" "-Yeah oKay okay- I get it now."

A hush of silence fell upon the room for a moment......

"You lost track of time again, didn't you?" Dabi said, breaking the silence. I scoffed. "Psh- No..."

"......." "....." "-......yeah." I sighed, in which he responded with a head shake and a stupid smirk.

"Oh shut up.... It's not like yOU've never done this before." "...Actually- I haven't."

I groaned in annoyance, "Yeah because you're always late!" I retorted as he laughed slightly, leaning against the bar's counter.

"......What time is it really..?" Checking his phone, he responded swiftly. "3:45AM." "..so that's why nobody's up for the meeting-"


3rd POV

The dark haired man chuckled softly, as Tomura wondered why he suddenly started to feel this way about the other. As Dabi continued to grab two glasses from the bar, he took a breath, glancing up. "..You look like you haven't slept in decades." The shorter, paler one of the two dryly replied "That's simply because I haven't."

"Ha- okay, fair point." Tomura raised an eyebrow. "What's tHAT supposed to mean, burnt quilt?" "-It means do you want a drink or not?"

He paused for a second, then sighing with a shrug. "I guess. Not like I'm opposed..-" Shigaraki then sat down at the bar, hood over his head, fighting sleep deprivation. "..You seriously need some sleep.. And some chapstick... And moisturizer.." "Hey- You're the hell up."

Dabi turned towards his clearly tired boss, raising an eyebrow. "...What..?"

"......I.. was in between saying 'hey shut the hell up' and 'you're one to talk'...." Tomura sighed, not believing he seriously just messed up his words that badly.

"....Pffft- Okay.. First- you know I'm never letting you live this down- and two- you're wrong, I actually do moisturize.-" The blueish-grey haired male looked up, eyes widened, as were Dabi's.

"I-" Just as Dabi was about to explain how he never intended for anyone to find out that he tries to take care of his skin, much to his surprise, Shigaraki burst out laughing.

He wouldn't admit it, but the younger male's laugh was music to his ears, as nobody rarely heard it. Of course a light blush couldn't help but creep up on his face.

"...Nobody will believe you." "I- pffft- I could say the same for you except it's all so clear now- Everyone already mUST know-"

"Whatever-..." Dabi chuckled while passing Tomura a glass of whiskey, while holding one himself.

"Now dont disintegrate it."

"Oh shut up fire alarm-"

"Doorknob duster-"




And they bantered... and bantered... and bantered. All until the sun rose. Then Kurogiri locked up the alcohol and scolded both of them for waking him up, and more importantly for drinking as they weren't legal drinking age yet.

Everyone also forgot about the meeting.

Ah, good times, good times.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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