Thunderstorm cuddles ☁️

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(This is an AU where there is no killing game but there are in a school with dorms hope you enjoy)

I walked down the hallway of the school up heading to go to my dorm. It was a really boring day (Kokichi as in a group project with Miu,Kaede, and maki) Miu was just rambling on and I'm about how annoying everything is and complaint about the group project, Kaede was her peppy annoying self, maki was the only one who actually helped and did don't annoy the crap out of me. I was heading to my dorm when I heard something. It was coming from my beloved Shumai's room. I knocked on the door "Helloooo?" I said. No response. Wait a minute, is that... crying? Was my beloved crying? It was raining hard outside, but I didn't think that Shumai would be scared of a storm. "Helloooo?" No response. I decided to walk inside his dorm and I found him on his bed crying. A few seconds later he had realized I was there. "K-Kokichi! What are you doing h-here?" He asked. " is my Shumai afraid of a little thunder~" I teased. "Wh-what no of course not." It was very obvious he was lying, he had stains on his face from the tears, his eyes were red and slightly puffy, and he was lightly shaking. " the ultimate detective is not afraid of a silly sto-" * BOOM* " AH!" He screamed. I got close to him and hugged him. Shumai's face turned a light shade of red. " you'll be okay its just some thunder." I said. I started to get off the bed to leave but I felt Shumai grab my arm " p-please don't l-leave." My face was turned red from this. "O-ok." I stammered I got back on the bed and rested my head on his shoulder. He made me lay down and started to cuddle me. My face was a tomato now. My crush is CUDDLING me! I thought to myself. We started cuddling together and Shumai stopped shaking so much "Kokichi " " yes?" I said. "I love you." Those words made my heart skip a beat. "I love you too Shumai" we soon both drifted off to sleep.

( hope you guys liked it this is my first one so please tell me how I did)

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