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Phoebe shook her head at Ray, she thought better of him than to frame somebody to cover for himself.

There was an awkward silence that fell over the room, the only sound was the clock ticking.

Ray smiled lightly and spoke, "Are you serious? Cut it out."

Norman frowned. "Ray. You've realized right? I set a trap for three people. I told Don it was behind my bed, and Gilda was told it was in the second floor bathroom ceiling. At least, that's what I told you. But I actually told Don the dining hall. And I told Gilda the library." Norman explained with a flat expression.

"I...I knew it." Phoebe whispered and frowned.

Ray and Norman looked to Phoebe.

Rays smile had fallen.

Norman looked back to Ray. "The rope behind my bed ended up being gone. So what about the other two spots? Should we go over and check them out?" Norman asked with an unamused look on his face.

Ray sat on Normans bed and fell back with his arms extended to his sides. He put a hand over his eyes and smirked, then started laughing.

He uncovered his face, "Awe man, and here I thought I was doing so well." He sat up and continued.

"Yeah you're both right. I'm the one who's been spying for mom. So, what gave it away?" Ray asked with an amused smile.

Norman and Phoebe both looked at each other and Phoebe nodded for Norman to go first.

"It was when sister first came to the house, I was disgusted with myself. I suspected you instantly. My own friend. It was really the worst case scenario. I wish that I had been wrong about it because you being the traitor would be quite problematic for us. But for the enemy? Picking you was the obvious choice. You would be able to provide input to our plans, which would be perfect for keeping control of the situation. You were the best one for the job." Norman explained then nodded for Phoebe to explain her side.

She stepped next to Norman and began, her blue eyes flicking to Ray but not being able to hold her gaze.

"Well, we all know I'm good at seeing through people. You lost your composure once and I immediately suspected you. Especially since your usually pretty level headed. And you know how I told Harper to keep a look out for Phil? That was a lie. I actually told her to keep a close eye on you, Ray. She saw you holding a paper in your hand so she followed you and saw you slip it under moms door." Phoebe kept a straight face and crossed her arms, finally bringing herself to look at Ray.

"Cant get anything past either of you huh?" Ray smiled.

Norman and Phoebe had annoyed looks on their faces, but Phoebe couldn't ignore her heart fluttering in her chest.

"How embarrassing, I walked right into your little trap. And I guess I walked into Phoebes too. I let my guard down when you said you told Harper to watch Phil. I thought I was in the clear." Ray smirked at Phoebe.

Phoebes cheeks went pink and she looked away with an annoyed look on her face.

"There's one more thing. You see, I have a feeling this isn't the first time you've done this. If one of us suddenly started giving mom tips I doubt she'd be so trusting." Norman put his hands on his knees and got down to Rays level, Rays smile fell once again.

"Just how long have you been moms spy?" Norman glared.

"For awhile now. I can't remember when I wasn't her spy. Guess you could say I'm a sheep dog for a shepherd." Rays smile had returned.

"You knew about all of this and helped mom out anyway?!" Norman raised his voice a little.

"Yeah." Ray responded nonchalant.

Phoebes blood was boiling.

"What the hell? So you're telling me that you knew these kids were being shipped out and you did nothing about it?" Phoebe started walking towards Ray.

"Yeah." Ray once again responded nonchalant.

"What is wrong with you?!" Phoebe yelled and grabbed Ray by the collar.

She felt her eyes sting.

"Everything we talked about, all the planning, it was nothing but a series of lies?!" Norman shouted.

"How much have you been telling mom? Can the trackers even be broken?" Norman glared and Phoebes grip tightened on Rays collar.

"What are you gonna do with that info? Are you gonna ditch me based on my answer?" Ray laughed slightly and the smug smile had returned once again.

"No I won't. I want you to stay close, like you always have been. Isn't it great Ray? You get to hide your mistake! You tried framing Don so you could continue spying on us, correct?" Norman smiled with his hands on top of each other.

Rays smile fell and Norman lightly pulled Phoebe away from Ray.

"Just tell me what you want." Ray said boringly.

"Three things." Norman held up three fingers, "One, you will continue to stay with us and promise to guarantee our safety. Two, I want you to share all the information you have. Three, flip to our side." Norman said while holding up a finger every time he said a number.

Ray grunted and his eyes went wide.

"And become a spy for our team instead." Norman smiled brightly and put his hands behind his back.

"You're gonna use me as your trump card?" Ray asked with a straight face.

"Mhm!" Norman smiled even brighter, his eyes turning into upside down smiles.

"Are you an idiot?! If that was your objective then you should've kept quiet and used me, then when it was time to execute the plan you could've cast me aside. It would have been easy!" Ray shouted and glared at Norman.

"You're right about that but...she reminded me were family so..." Norman walked over to his bedside table and sat down.

"Not like I would've let them leave you here anyways. Nobody deserves that. You're a jerk but you're still family." Phoebe crossed her arms and leaned against the wall with a blank expression on her face.

Ray let out a breath.

"That's what made me change my mind. I want to believe in you too. We're friends before enemies right? After all, aren't you the one who hid little bunny? The night we went to the gate, if you hadn't told us we could make it in time, we wouldn't have gone. You laid out the bread crumbs for us to find out the truth about this house for ourselves. You set this up for the four of us to escape, didn't you?" Norman questioned.

"Why did you become moms sheep dog?"

"Why not?" Ray raised an eyebrow.

"If you were completely on moms side then it wouldn't make sense to reveal the truth to us. You've been controlling our actions. About the trackers, the timing of our escape, and how quickly the plan moved forward-"

"That's why you flipped out about us leaving ten days from now." Phoebe pinched her chin.

"Exactly. But at the same time, you were also keeping mom under control. You're actually not our enemy, are you?"

~end of chapter~

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