F o u r t e e n

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As soon as Emma said those words, Phoebe felt her eyes sting and she started shaking.

Rays eyes went to Phoebes hand as she started flicking her pinky off of her thumb.

"I had a change of heart, so I will help you escape with everyone." Ray smiled.

Phoebes jaw clenched, she was about to break. Her eye was twitching.

'Calm down...'

Her heart rate was excellerating.

"I'm going to take a walk." Phoebe said and without waiting for a response, she ran off.

Phoebe was having a panic attack.

"Damnit!" She squeezed her eyes shut, she was leaning against a tree.

She felt someone touch her shoulder and she gasped.

She turned to see who it was and she saw Norman.


"Bee! Your leg..." he looked at her knee, it was bleeding.

"I'm fine, while I was running I tripped. I had to leave. Sorry. I can't sit there and watch Emma's trust in others being used against her." Phoebe sighed.

Norman helped her get up and they walked back to the house.

"Phoebe are you okay?!" Emma asked frantically.

"Phoebe what did you-" Ray began.

"I'm fine Emma." Phoebe smiled at Emma, interrupting Ray on purpose.

"I'll help you to the infirmary." Emma grabbed Phoebes hand.

Phoebe smiled and the two girls began to walk away but Emma stopped and took them back to Norman and Ray.

"Oh yeah! There was something I had to report!"


"Gilda, me, and Harper decided to observe mom again and we noticed something strange. She disappears right before eight every night." Emma explained while holding a notebook to her chest.

"She does?" Norman arched a brow.

"Yeah. There are no traces of her anywhere. Meaning, there's a secret room in this house." Emma explained and kneeled next to the bed, she put the notebook down so everyone could see.

"Woah! Really?" Don exclaimed.

"Yeah. Located here." Emma circled a spot in between moms room and a different room.

"It's right next to moms bedroom. Moms room is connected to both the bathroom and washroom. And then past that behind the wall is where her office is. But from what I've gathered, this probably isn't a wall." Emma explained and traced the line of what she was calling the wall with a red pen.

"As for me, what I noticed was that she disappears into either the office or the washroom." Gilda nodded.

"That said, I measured the distance within the inside of the room, along with the hallway outside of it." Emma continued while marking the notebook.

"Oh, that's what you were doing." Norman pinched his chin.

"Yeah." Emma nodded.

"Huh? Okay and?" Don had a confused look on his face.

"They didn't match. There's about ten steps worth of space here. One sides a wall, the other has bookshelves. But I'm guessing there are hidden doors on both sides." Emma continued.

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