Chapter Five

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Aria’s POV


“Can we stop at the hospital to see Maya, Father?” I asked in hope, as I step into the car, closing the door once I was seated properly then placing my seat belt across my body, buckling myself in,


“I need to see her, and I need to clear up some things with the doctor.”


Father agreed to take me where Maya was after I told him what happened the previous day. I wanted to see her yesterday, but I got caught up in the party organization which took up most of my time, but I needed yesterday to run according to plan.


Traffic was alright seeming that within 10 minutes, we had arrived at the hospital I had admitted her in 2 years ago, to recover from the state the Arsen family had put her in.


2 years back, when Maya was mentally stable, after listening to the judge’s final decision, our parents couldn’t handle the position that they were put in, so they committed suicide.


After watching their bodies burn away in the fire, turning into ash, Maya lost her mental balance. She couldn’t bare the fact that our parents weren’t in this world anymore.


So Mrs Arsen did something that I couldn’t believe; she helped Maya. Mrs Arsen had personally admitted Maya into a mental hospital and set up a speciallized treatment for Maya, but I didn’t trust her for a second.


A cunning person like her couldn’t change majorly simply for a driver’s daughter. I knew she couldn’t be trusted, and I was going to get to the bottom of what she had planned for my sister.


Not giving up, I followed her on the days she went to visit Maya and listened to the calls she made to the doctors, not missing a single detail. At first I couldn't firgue out what she had been up too, but giving up wasn't an option.


As time went by, I picked up the little signs and finally caught up to what she was up to; feeding Maya/the wrong medications and sending her to the electric chair, causing her to lose balance and literally go mental.


Once I found out, I shift Maya secretly to a more hidden mental hospital in town for her to get better. I needed her in a safe place before I stood my ground to raise my voice against Mason, to make him admit to his crime.


Snapping back to reality, jumping out of the car, I rush through the hallways, keeping a good pace, within minutes I reach Maya’s room.


Moving in, I acknowledge the doctor and nurse that were checking her health before taking a seat next to Maya, I see Father leaning against the frame of the door, watching me with a smile on his face.


A sudden pride had boosted in me, leaving me smiling on the inside and the out.


I signalled for Father to enter the room, and he did. He made his way to the nurse, to check the status of Maya.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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