3-Charms with Flitwick

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"We can hear you from the other end of the room and SOME of us have tests to study for" he growled

"Oh shut your whining and get back to being a dork"Rowan howled back the third year stormed away again.

"Have you had the chance to look at your timetable?"i ask Rowan softly making sure to tone my voice down so the third years didn't get angry again.

"yes! can you believe it? Her plots with Professor Sprout, Transfiguration with professor McGonagall, What are you most looking forward to (y/n)?" she was excited which made me smile more

"i'm not sure probably charms or potions i do want to learn all the spells and Professor Flitwick is an amazing Professor!" i smiled at her

"Luckily we have Charms first thing with Professor Flitwick see you tomorrow (y/n) sleep well!" Rowan said before going up to the dormitories leaving you in the common room well that was until Pansy Parkinson stepped up

"I'm Pansy Parkinson" she said with a smirk "(y/n) Diggory" i copied her smirk you see i certainly didn't want to make any enemy's but this girl got on my nerves and i've only known her an hour

"I just want you to know I will be getting close with Draco i don't want you getting in the way of anything Diggory!" she scowled "aw you see me as a treat? no need to worry Pansy he's all yours" i pulled a disgusted face and made my way up to the dorm.

I giggled back at the memory of my first day at Hogwarts it was hard to believe that i was now in my 3rd year still the same dorky friends but i wouldn't have it any other way.


Now back to present tense i woke up smiling, After i had changed and washed i left the dorm making my way to the great hall "Cedric!" i yelled catching up to my brother "Good Morning (y/n/n)" he smiled down at me draping an arm around my shoulders for a quick side hug i smiled at him and made my way into breakfast i sat with Hermione and the others at the Gryffindor table and waved Rowan over Although the three didn't have a problem with Rowan, Rowan was nervous they did and never wanted to be introduced incase they hated her.

"Rowan this is Hermione, Ron and Harry. Everyone this is Rowan" i smiled as i introduced them we all got along great so i wasn't too sure on why Rowan was so nervous. first class we had together. Cedric had come to guide us to Charms.

"Goodluck although i'm sure you won't need it" he said ruffling my hair, He knew how much i struggled with charms and he was amazing at charms so he spent half the summer helping me. i smiled and walked in the classroom we shared this class with Gryffindors.

"I heard that we're learning The Freezing Charm, The Banishing Charm and The Defence Charm this year!"An excited Gryffindor said

"I'm nervous about this year. To be fair i'm Nervous about pretty much everything" Ben said another Gryffindor we met. i Took my seat next to Rowan and Ben as the class begun.

"I'm really looking forward to charms this year"i smiled up at the man as he stood on a large amount of books he smiled done at me "I take Cedric has been teaching you lots then." I nod in response

"Welcome to your very first charms class as 3rd years! Please pay close attention to the instructions this year is very important, and take great care practicing the spells you learn. Today we will be learning The Freezing charm fairly known as Glacius." with the flick of his wand he freezes the manikin in place  "This charm is useful in Duels"We stared in aw as we began studying the charm.

"Now Miss Diggory. What does the Charm Lumos provide?" Professor Flitwick says turning his attention on you. "that would be light Professor" i said with confidence he smiled down "5 house points to Slytherin!" i smiled at the man before listening in again.

"You will all need a thorough knowledge of a spells effects before you cast it!" he said sternly and we all got to work again.

I focused and pointed my wand
"Glacius!"i yelled pointing my want at the manikin which froze in place  "(y/n) you did it!" Rowan smiled. "That's all for today class dismissed!" Professor Flitwick whaled out ushering us out the class.

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