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The next day was spent avoiding Draco all you could but that came to an end when you entered potions late.

"How brilliant if you to finally join us take your seat by Mr Malfoy" Snape scoffed you sighed and sat next him.

"I wouldn't have ratted if i knew you were there Diggory" Draco hissed jotting down things Snape was teaching.

"mhm and why's that" i raised an eyebrow at him

"I wouldn't cost my own house 50 house points!" he growled and you rolled your eyes getting on with the lesson.

The day finally came to an end and it was time for your detention we followed Filch outside "wish they still had the old punishment yous would be hanging by your thumbs" he chuckled to himself "But you will be serving detention with Hagrid he has some business to do in the forrest"

"What? we can't go in there!? it's forbidden and there's werewolf's" Draco whined causing you to roll your eyes

"Hey Hagrid!" you smiled up at the man "Ahhh how's my favourite Slytherin" he smiled then glared at Filch "your not still mad about the dragon are you" he groaned and Hagrid continued to glare "come on then" Hagrid takes us into the forrest

"Right. Hermione Ron and Harry, Draco and (y/n)" as Hagrid explained you groaned and the three laughed at you earning them harsh glare from you.

"Fine but we take fang" Draco protested which you snickered at
"And what's so funny about that Diggory" he scoffed "Fangs a coward but if you wish" Hagrid says

"come on Fang" you smile sweetly at the dog and he comes running to you. Draco takes his lead guiding him into the forrest

"You seem pretty scared Draco" you laugh "Oh shut up first names now huh?" he chuckled "your not so bad Diggory" he said looking at you "your not so bad yourself Malf- What was that? did you hear it?" you jumped startled by the sudden noise "now look who's scared" he smirked "Draco not funny!" you frantically looked around

then you spotted it you started to back up and Draco screamed running away as you tripped, Just as it was about to get to you a half man half horse scared it away "Miss Bailey you shouldn't be here this late are you alright!" he chimes

"yeah i'm fi-hold up Miss Bail-" you were cut of by Hagrid

"ah thank you for saving young (y/n)" the creature nods and walks away "cmon let's get you er back to the castle" he leads us back up

"Are you okay (y/n)? you seem shook" Draco asked worriedly

"i'm fine Draco just confused" you shoot him a small smile.


As the weeks went by you and Draco had finally gotten used to each other and you two have become quite the duo but as it was Christmas yous wouldn't be seeing each other until January 7th. I spent the train ride with Hermione as Ron and Harry were staying at Hogwarts for Christmas.

when we got off the train i gave Hermione a tight hug "Write to me okay?" she said hugging me back tighter if possible

"Of course i will" i smiled at her

"i think someone's waiting for a goodbye" she smirked and looked at Draco

"haha very funny Hermione i'll see you in January!" she smiled at me and left for her parents i made my way to Draco hugging him

"ah who's this Draco" a man said well i'm assuming as the voice was very deep, I pulled away quickly

"Oh uh father this is (y/n).. (y/n) this is my father Lucius and my mother Narcissa Malfoy" his eyes lit up as he smiled at the name of his mother

"it's a pleasure to meet you dear Draco has told me all about you in his letters" Mrs Malfoy smiled

"it's a pleasure to meet you too Mrs Malfoy and Mr Malfoy" i smiled back at the woman

"Please call me Narcissa" i smiled at the woman very beautiful woman for that matter as i was about to respond Cedric came running up to me

"(y/n) i've been looking for you everywhere we have to go" he said in a hurry

"well it was lovely meeting you, Goodbye Draco write to me!" i smile as my brother pulls me away as we finally reach my mother she pulls me in for a tight hug along with your father.

A/N- I know these are rlly short but as you go on they get longer and interest bcoz so far it's just following the story line but it changes. Anyways how are you guys liking the story? please comment anything! i'm so open to feedback and what i could do to improve!

Involved with a Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now