6-bloody hell

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you followed the three up the stairs "Does anyone else feel like we aren't supposed to be here?" Ron says sheepishly

"Thats because we aren't supposed to be here. This is the third floor it's forbidden!just like it has been every year" Hermione says

"Let's get out of here"Harry says we all nod in agreement but quickly change our minds when we see Mrs Norris standing there "Run!" you and Hermione yell and the four of you begin running to a door

"It's locked!"Harry whines "move!" Hermione pushes Harry out the way "Alohomora!" Hermione points her wand at the door and it opens we run inside shutting the door.

"Their gone" Hermione sighs in relief

"uhm guys..." Ron gulps and we turn to see what he's looking at. Bloody nora a 3 headed dog, The dog begins to wake up and starts growling causing us all to scream and run out the door

"Did anyone else see the door it was guarding" Harry questioned

"No i was too busy trying not to get killed!"Ron exaggerated

"i seen it too i wonder what it's hiding" you say confused

"whatever it is must be bloody important if their keeping that thing as it's guard" Ron let out a breath before adding on "Who's the only shady adult in this building?"Ron says annoyed

"Snape?, you don't think it's him hiding something do you?" i asked although Snape can be a git sometimes i wouldn't put him up to that

"We could ask Hagrid?" Harry says and we all head down to the hut

"Hagrid you will never believe what we seen today!"you screeched

"A bloody monster that thing" Ron added

"Yes thank you Ron it has three heads!" you screamed again

"what er you on about that's fluffy" Hagrid replies

"That THING has a name?" Hermione scoffed

"Yeah it's mine, Fluffy is helping protect-Shouldn't have said that" he says

"Protect what from who?" i pushed

"Nicholas Flammel of course- Shouldn't have said that i shouldn't have said that" Hagrid rambles "tea?" he offers and we all nod we spent the rest of the after noon talking and having tea we hadn't even realised that it was past bed time

"eh? who's that?" Hagrid says pointing to the window "Malfoy!" i groan as we get up saying our goodbyes to Hagrid rushing up the castle

"Do you think it's bad Malfoy knows?" Hermione said worried
but soon stopped in her tracks as soon as Ron did

"it's bad" we all stare at the angry Professor infront of us then Malfoy comes from behind her but his face dropped as he seen me. We enter Professor McGonagall's  office

"I'm terribly disappointed 50 points from each of you and the five of you will have detention" she says sternly and Draco steps up

"Did you just say the Five of us?" he questioned "as honourable as your intentions were you too were out past curfew mr Malfoy so in that case you will be facing detention with Potter, Granger,Weasley and Diggory. Now off to bed ALL of you" she demanded and we left

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