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"hurry up! my grandparents hate waiting!" gyuri yelled while running quickly towards the house.

the two reached their destination and stopped to catch their breath.

"come on let's go in." she said pulling him towards the door.

"sorry i'm late!" gyuri entered seeing her grandparents already eating at the dining table.

"it's alright. come eat." her grandmother smiled.

"oh, you brought beomgyu. help yourself boy." her grandfather offered.

the two looked at each other and smiled.

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"you know that stars don't actually twinkle?"


"yeah. the light of the stars travel into your realm of vision which makes it look like it's twinkling." gyuri stated.

both of them laid at the grass looking up to the sky.

"well i have a fact for you too." beomgyu said.

"go on."

"the stars are mostly 1 and 10 billion years old. so it might be possible that you see the same stars every night."

"that's cool." she answered staring at the stars.

"have you've ever named one?" he questioned.

"no. i don't want to."


"i don't consider myself to be that smart enough to name a star."

"-i'm just here to admire their existence because they're the ones that help me calm down whenever i reach my highest rage level." she added.

"still mad at them huh?"


"don't worry, i bet all of the misunderstandings will disappear soon enough." beomgyu grinned while holding onto his phone.

"i just hope so." she sighed and sat up.

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beomgyu silently walked towards the councilor's office.

"sir choi, what can i do you for?"

"heo chanmi and son chanwoo, please report to the councilor's office right after this announcement."

gyuri sat at the end of the classroom, not even bothering to look at the people who got called by the announcement.

she was still mad at the both of them.

suddenly, people started opening their phones at the same time.

it was free period after all.

she decided to look too and then suddenly, she froze.

she saw a video of her with chanwoo from the other day.

but the video wasn't from beomgyu.

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