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gyuri entered the quiet dorm.

she silently entered sunghoon's room.

and to her surprise, he can already stand properly.

"hey what are you doing up? i told you to get some rest." gyuri demanded.

"i'm fine. you don't have to baby me."

sunghoon looked at the girl and thought that something was going on with her.

"hey, is something bothering you?" he asked.

gyuri nodded.

"care to tell?"

"i met hana today."

sunghoon suddenly lost his smile, standing up to hold the girl's hand.

"what did she say?"

"nothing. it just felt weird on how she knew my name and how she knew that i'm your current uh,


sunghoon nodded, listening to the girl.

"don't worry about it. it's probably nothing." gyuri smiled.

sunghoon knew she felt uncomfortable.

"um, anyways, since you can stand properly now, wanna watch me skate?" she asked trying to lighten up the mood.

"okay. but gyuri, can i ask a favor?" sunghoon asked.

"sure." she smiled.

"let's not let everyone else know that you're my girlfriend. i don't want people coming at you again."

gyuri softened and held his hand.

"that's what happens when your boyfriend is so perfect." she teased.

sunghoon smiled and intertwined their fingers together bringing her to an embrace.

"just know that i don't care about them. i promised your parents to marry you with all respect and i'm keeping that promise choi gyuri."

gyuri held him tighter inhaling his scent.

"sunghoon, i,"

'say it gyuri. it's not that hard.'




"i-i think we should go. club's about to start." she stuttered, pulling him out.

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sunghoon sat at the bleachers, watching gyuri skate from afar.

as much as he wanted to skate with her, he was still too weak to move.


the boy heard his name, immediately groaning.


hana inched closer to him, as if she was already glued to him.

sunghoon flinched, trying to move away while gyuri was unaware.

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