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not even a single flash of light.

just darkness.

gyuri woke up in a dark room.

at first, she was calm.

but when she realized that she was all alone in a place she wasn't aware of, she started to panic.

suddenly, a ceiling light opened exactly on top of where she was positioned.

gyuri noticed how she was tied up to a chair, both her arms and legs attached to it.

"what the fuck..?"

"look who finally woke up."

gyuri heard the familiar voice and there showed hana.

"you psycho! what the fuck do you want from me?!" gyuri raged, trying to escape the chair.

"gyuri, if don't shut your mouth, i might as well just shut it for you." hana laughed, revealing a gun from her back.

gyuri froze. she stopped shaking and glared at the girl.

"why am i here?"

"simple, sunghoon won't give up, so i took the most priced person in his life,





gyuri clicked her tongue, feeling too uncomfortable about hana's plan.

"but if he won't give up, then we might as well take it to a harder path." hana continued, slapping the gun against her palm.

"you can't possibly do that alone." gyuri fought.

hana brought out a freaky laugh once again.

"that's why i asked for help." she said dragging out a boy.

gyuri wondered her eyes to the boy and then her heart dropped.

"gyuri, meet my cousin, beomgyu."

beomgyu pasted a regretful face.

"i'm sorry."

"h-how could you do this?" gyuri silently cried.

hana scoffed.

"whatever. bring her to a much more secured room wherein she couldn't escape."

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sunghoon woke up from his sleep.

while he sat on his bed, he heard the doorbell rang.

he opened the door to see minji.

"sunghoon? is gyuri around? she didn't come back last night and i thought she went and slept here."

sunghoon looked confused.

"no. i dropped her at your floor last night, she didn't sleep here."

minji laughed.

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