Holding hands (Filler)

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Just a little filler chapter whilst I work on not completing anything

-He grabbed your hand first
-you where a blushing mess
-he asked why you where so sweaty
-you almost cried from embarrassment
-he laughed and said 'I'm nervous too, but I like this feeling to much to let go'
-you actually cried from cuteness overload

-You grabbed his hand first
-He was a bit taken back but didn't pull away
-Merein commented on how cute you two looked holding hands
-he blushed looking away and squeezed your hand a bit
-You smiled and the two of you walked to the next town holding hands

-You grabbed his hand first
-he turned into a tomato
-you pulled him along to show him a pretty flower
-he smiles watching you admire the plants
-squeezes your hand and you smile
-you blush giving him a grin
-he explodes in red again

-he grabbed your hand first
- Taking a walk he gathered the courage
-looking away from each other both of you with massive blushes
-he trips bringing you down with him.
-you scrap your knee
-he rushes you home apologising a thousand times
-Meowth and Jess laugh at you two

-you grabbed his hand first
-whilst hiking to a waterfall you almost trip and grab his hand
-he smiles telling you to be careful
-he keeps a hold of your hand the rest of the way
-when he lets go he places a kiss on your knuckles and gives you a charming smile
-You're a blushing mess

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