A long day

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<Ezras P.O.V>
"Look who it is!" I hear somebody call from behind me. I didn't turn immediately cause I'm a bit of a newcomer to this school, and knew almost nobody here other than teachers and a few kids who transferred from my old school. Once I did stop and turn, I saw my best friend, Roxie bolting towards me. Let me give you some context.
Roxie is only her nickname, her full name was Roxanne 'Roxie' Kent, she preferred to go by Roxie because her birth father gave her the name Roxanne, and she isn't on the best of terms with him now. Because of her shiny silver hair, dark patch of skin under her left eye, and her odd fashion sense, she's really recognizable in the school, a total outcast like me. Usually around this time, I'd be walking to the band room to meet up with Roxie in the middle of her guitar practice, but I guess she was let off early today. It isn't much of a surprise, though, cause the music teacher can't stand the sound of her electric guitar. If today was a day where I come to meet her, I would've probably heard her from 5 classrooms away from the room.
(Quick drawing le author made of Roxie)

"Hey dude!" She shouted as she got closer, she was pushing people out of her way just to get to me

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"Hey dude!" She shouted as she got closer, she was pushing people out of her way just to get to me. "Afternoon, Roxie." I said as she got close enough to hear me. She very quickly slowed down, I had expected that of her, and didn't bother to try jump out of her way like a variety of other students did. She didn't look tired at all. Again, I expected that, she's really energetic, and it's hard to tire her out. She could probably run a marathon and not be tired. "Hey." Somebody from across the hall greeted us. From the slight British accent in the persons voice, I instantly knew who this was. Sure enough, Roxie looked to her left, and her eyes narrowed a little. When I looked, I saw none other than the stereotypical white girl of the school and her boyfriend, who was putting his arm around her. "Can you both keep it down? Talk about disturbing the peace..." the last part was mumbled under her breath. This girl went by the name Phaedra, it meant something like Fairy or whimsical, ridiculous if you ask me... anyways. She was the bully of the school, but unlike other school bullies, she didn't have others to aid her apart from her boyfriend, who I'm pretty sure was forced to love her. "That doesn't concern you, Phaedra." Roxie muttered before looking back towards me. I heard Phaedra sigh before tugging on her boyfriends arm and walking away. "Hey. I wanna show you something later." She told me before raising her notebook out of her backpack, it was probably a sketch she's proud of, so I nodded my head and turned around. "Are you walking home with me?" I ask her before I walk off. "Eh. I'll catch the bus. I'll come later though!" With that, she simply turned, and began running down the hall like she was minutes ago. Usually she comes to my house directly after school, but I suppose she's busy today, meaning she won't be walking home with me.

Right now, I was walking in the middle of a snow flurry while holding my 3 year old sister, Caitlyn. I walked her to her pre-school earlier today before heading to my high school a block away so she wouldn't get kidnapped or lost. Apart from Roxie, Caitlyn is my best friend. Even though she's only now learning how to talk, she still tries to comfort me when I'm sad. And speaking of Roxie, today, Roxie and her grandma weren't feeling the best. Roxie brushed it off like it was nothing as usual, and still came to school as you already know, but her grandma had to stay home to make sure the sickness wouldn't get worse. Since I always take a ride with them to school, I had to walk home today, but it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Me and Caitlyn kept stopping at parks on our walk, we even stopped to visit the pine tree that me and Roxie became friends under, all of its lush green pines were covered with powdery snow. I might start doing that more often. But anyways. Roxie told me earlier that she wanted to tell me about something. That almost always means she wants to show me a tv show or a drawing she's proud of. "Muuuhhh..." I hear Caitlyn whine. It was pretty chilly out, so I was suspecting that she got cold. "Don't worry. The house is only 3 blocks away." I assured her. To make sure she stayed warm all the way, I took off my hat, and put it on her, which immediately stopped her whining. I could see out of the corner of my eye that she was now smiling. Out of habit, I begin talking to her. "I hope Halloween isn't canceled this year." If you didn't know, it was only the 28th of September, and not anything like the middle of November or December. That's just how it is here in Canada. Cold and long winters which can last up to 7 months. Halloween was my favourite holiday to celebrate. I dress up every year with Roxie and Caitlyn and go to my hometown not far from the city. "Hauween?" Caitlyn asked. "Hah. Close enough." I reply. She doesn't exactly remember any of her Halloween's yet. I suppose all the scary stuff isn't very memorable to her. I'm pretty sure her favourite holiday is either Christmas or Easter, but mostly cause of the food and the bright colours. Last year for Halloween, she was a princess, and me and Roxie were dragons who would sometimes pretend to eat her, which made her giggle.
Before long, we we're at the house. Time really flew after talking with her, see what I mean?

"Alright, don't play with anything, okay? I have to use the bathroom." I placed Caitlyn on the couch before rushing over to the bathroom. Normally I don't use the school bathrooms cause it's always awkward and gross to me. My parents always tell me this one story about 7 year old me holding in my pee for so long, I got an infection, but I would prefer not to talk about that right now.
I prefer using the home bathrooms over the school bathrooms for another reason, and that's cause the toilet paper at home is soft and nice feeling, but the school toilet paper is like sandpaper. "Wah-woxie!" I heard Caitlyn shout from the couch. Her shouting was cut off by the glass in the living room being pounded on, and then a voice came from outside. "Eeeezraaa! I'm here!"
...Crap. That was Roxie, she was here already. Caitlyn was now clapping at the sight of Roxie. Roxie was actually one of the people at the hospital when Caitlyn was born, and she was also one of the first people that saw her. I'm pretty sure she actually saw Caitlyn before I did. "Roxie can you wait a minute??" I shouted, hoping she'd hear me from across the house. Amazingly, she actually did. "Yeah sure. Just hurry up, It's freezing out." She shouted back a few seconds later. She was probably annoyed as to why she took a moment to reply. I did what she advised, and began to hurry up.

After washing my hands, I bolted to the door to finally let Roxie in the house. Caitlyn had somehow gotten off the couch, and was clawing at the door. I'm assuming she was trying to let Roxie in, but she couldn't reach the deadbolt cause she was too short. After fumbling with the doorknob out of anxiousness for a few seconds, it was finally unlocked and Roxie quickly came running in. From the looks of it, she was shivering from the cold, and snow glazed her boots and the fur on the hoodie of her winter jacket. "Uh. W-what were you doing??" She asked me before taking down her hoodie to reveal her pale face. By the looks of it, the snow flurry had gotten worse. Best thing about that is she most likely has to sleepover at the house. My parents were out at something work related in another city, so we'd have the house ourselves to do our usual strange shit. "Toilet." I stated before picking Caitlyn up and holding her out for Roxie to grab. Roxie unzipped her boots, and tossed them aside before unzipping her jacket too. "Oh, makes sense." She replied before walking into the living room and putting her jacket on one of the table chairs. "Hey, Caitlyn!" Roxie grabbed Caitlyn from my hands and began to start talking in an odd tone. That's usually how she is with Caitlyn, I'm pretty sure she loved it.

"Okay, what did you want to show me?" I ask Roxie, who was currently scrolling through my tv channels. She had Caitlyn on her lap currently. Caitlyn was playing with her hair, but that doesn't seem to bug her in the slightest bit. "Do you have Cartoon Network?" She asked. Her question was oddly sudden, but I answered immediately. "Well... yeah." As soon as I told her, she turned to me and her eyes widened. It was almost like she was surprised or amused. She then went to the search bar. "Good. That'll help a lot." She soon typed in Cartoon Network in the bar, revealing channel 325. I was a bit confused. How would me having Cartoon Network help her with what she wanted to show me. "Annnnnddd uhh. What time is it?" She asked another question before tubing to the channel. A new program was going to be playing soon cause of the Cartoon Network banners and stuff. "3:44..." Her eyes widened once more. Now she looked excited. Something was up with her, she's normally weird, but not this weird. Something was up with her. "Perfect..." She mumbled under her breath as the program started to play. "Roxie, what's up with you??" I ask her as the grey viewer screen popped upas went on with what it normally said. There's been only one other time when she was like this, and that's when I got into TAWOG. "Nothing. You have to see this cartoon." She said to me before looking at the screen. An odd melody began to play, it was really enthusiastic and cute sounding. Caitlyn seemed intrigued too as she stopped playing with Roxies hair and looked at the TV. Suddenly, a cartoon character sprung up from one of two beds which were feet from each other. The cartoon began to sing in a joyful manner too, starting a song with "Apple!" The character appeared to be an apple with a nice British accent. A second later, another character sprung up from the second bed, and added to the song "and Onion!" The next character appeared. This one seemed to be a spring onion by it's colours. This character also had a British accent, but sounded nerdier than the other. "Roxie? What is this?" I ask. She seemed completely mesmerized by the cartoon. I had nothing to do, but watch.

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