My strange night

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"So?? How was it??" Roxie asked eagerly after the end credits of this new show played. I didn't know what to think, it was so sudden how she wanted me to watch it. It wasn't bad though, I enjoyed the songs and the character designs, but the show was obviously made for younger kids as it had very subtle jokes and no cursing. The episode I had watched was titled "Pancakes bus tour" and the plot of it was the two characters in the beginning of the title song going on a bus ride with a bunch of other characters to make a wish because the apple had lost his shoe. The woman that was taking them on the bus was a pancake, and she was a bit rude at first, but I really started to like her near the end of the episode. She had a sort of sad backstory cause I'm assuming her dad had died, and she continued his job to honour him. I also noticed that there's a lot of small details in the show, there's billboards, posters, and you have to pay close attention to everything cause it could be linked to something else. "It was... pretty good!" My words slipped out of my mouth, but I don't think that's a bad thing. Roxie smiled and grabbed her phone from the coffee table. She quickly opened her browser and typed something in before going to a website with an odd black background. "Seeing as its over... want to watch more?" She asked me before showing me her phone. As I analyzed the page, it was some sketchy looking website with loads of ads and pop-ups, but every full episode of Apple and onion was shown and watchable. I didn't really trust the website, but since that bus tour episode was so good, I wanted to see more and pushed away the thought of the website. "Of course!"

"Keheheh! I have a bunch of nicknames for the characters too if you want to hear." Roxie told me after we finished watching another episode, this one was titled "Positive attitude theory", and it introduced 5 or more new characters who were all linked in some way. The plot of this episode was apple and onion going around their apartment building doing their landlord, falafels job. On their way, they have to pick up rent from samosa, a girl who wasn't paying her rent because she set up a game design station with three other people. Those people were her workers, but she also didn't pay them their salaries cause all of her money was going into funding her game. It was a fun episode to watch, along with the other 25 we had watched over the course of 4 hours or so. "Hell yeah, I wanna hear!" I was already getting into this new tv show. After every episode we watched, we discussed what we thought of it, and which character was our favourite in the episode. We talked about certain small details, minor characters we liked, and so much other stuff. "Okay! You see that short dude wearing the wrapper that looks like a little kid? I nicknamed him 'the toddler'!" She pointed to one of samosas workers, the one that was working on the left side of the table and was a slight bit distanced from the other two. Once I looked him over, I did realize that he looked like a toddler.  He was shorter than the other two, and had a really child-like face. "Oh my god, he does look like a toddler." I said with a chuckle. "What about the other two?" I ask before looking at the other end of the table. The other two workers were there, and seemingly had small smiles on their face, unlike the toddler. "I gave the woman an unserious nickname, white diamond." Roxie told me, she giggled immediately after telling me. I start laughing with her too. "I mean... you aren't wrong." Trying to say anything while I was giggling was hard. Something odd that happens when I laugh is when I start laughing, I can't stop until I hurt myself  or somebody helps me stop. That's exactly what happened then. It's really funny to Roxie and Caitlyn, so they love when I do it.

After another few hours of watching episodes and discussing stuff, I was really tired. Of course I was, by the time we were done, it was nearly midnight. Caitlyn was already in bed for a few hours by this time, so we were pretty quiet for the last couple episodes. I really got to like certain characters already, but I didn't get too far into some yet. "I'm assuming you're staying for the night?" I asked Roxie, she was currently just watching short clips of the show on her phone. I heard her humming some songs a few minutes ago, goes to show how much she likes it, she usually never hums. "Yeah, my mom is acting like a total bitch cause my dad owes her money or something." Roxie replied in a somewhat angry tone. I didn't like hearing about her home problems, it makes me feel sorry for her. She didn't have the best life, but unlike some other people I know (Phaedra, for example), she didn't take her rage out on others, and actually opened up about it. She didn't make anything overly dramatic or excessive either, she made stuff sound really casual, too casual for my comfort honestly. We could have a conversation like this: "So are you staying over for today?" "Yeah, my dad is in the middle of beating my mom, should I call the police or nah?" And it always makes me uncomfortable, but she isn't even the slightest bit embarrassed about telling me. "Oh yeah, I wanted to introduce you to a few people." Roxie said before looking at me. "Huh?" I looked back at her after she said that, it was really sudden considering the room was quiet for a solid minute and a half after she told me about her mom. That's another think about Roxie that confuses me, she's really random. I could be talking about something serious, and she'd say something really sudden like "hey, is kraft cheese and mashed potatoes good together?" which usually makes me laugh and forget what I'm talking about. "And, uh, who are these people?" I said while glancing at her phone, she had discord open. I'm guessing she was going to invite me to a server or something. I didn't use discord very often, I only ever use it when I win or enter a giveaway for a game I play, so I wasn't really excited. "My friends. I've known them for a few months now, they're really chill." After she finished saying that, I got a message from her on Snapchat, and sure enough, it was an invite link for an apple and onion themed discord. That got me interested. "Okayyy..." I say before clicking on the link, which took me to a screen on discord.
"StarKat555 has invited you to join: The Apple and Onion Official Discord Server."

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